Saturday, September 05, 2009

CFI Indiana September 2009 Schedule


Join us for CFI Indiana activities and other interesting
events around Indianapolis!
(To view or print these events in a calendar format, please visit our website.)

Special Events – Mark your Calendar!

Monday, September 21—Dr. Jeffrey Schweitzer, author of Beyond Cosmic Dice: Moral Life in a Random World. 7:00 pm, CFI Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis.
Sunday, October 25—Tom Flynn, "Robert Ingersoll: The Most Remarkable American Most People Never Heard Of," 4:00 pm, Hamilton 16 Theatre. 
Sunday, November 8Spirit and Place Event, "Inspiring Places--Magnificent Victory Monument for Rational Outlook on Life--Das Deutsches House/Athenaeum,"   2:00 pm, Athenaeum. 
Indiana Atheist Bus Campaign—Go to to keep up with the new developments for this campaign.

Regular Events 

Mommymoon—Wednesday, September 2, 11:00 am, neighborhood park at 61st and Broadway, Indianapolis.   Be sure to bring the kids’ swimsuits, sunscreen, towels, and a snack. info@
Science Movie—Sunday, September 6, 6:00 pm.  Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis. Movie: Planet Earth: From Pole to Pole
Religion Under Examination—Friday, September 11, 6:00 pm, Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis, IN. This is a meet and greet for speakers, Ibn Warraq, Bob Price, and John Shook.   You can meet the speakers, purchase books, get autographs, and just mingle with other CFI Friends. No admission charge.  Go to for more information and to register for the entire conference.
Religion Under Examination—Saturday, September 12, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, IUPUI Campus Center, 450 B, 401 University Boulevard (corner of University and Michigan).  Registration begins at 8:00 and program begins at 9:00.   Featured speakers are Ibn Warraq, Bob Price, and John Shook. Go to for more information and to register.   Advance registration is appreciated.  There is a $10 discount for registering before September 1.  All food orders and reservations must be received by September 7.  Dinner will be at 6:00 pm at a local restaurant. 
Religion Under Examination—Sunday, September 13, 10:00-12:00, Coffee and Conversation at Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis.  No admission charge.  Lunch at CFI Indiana, 12:00.  Reservation required. for lunch.  Speeches by Ibn Warraq and Bob Price beginning at 3:00 pm at IUPUI Campus Center, 450 B, 401 University Boulevard.  Conference fee or Sunday only fee required.  Go to for more information and to register. Preregistration appreciated. 
Mommymoon—Saturday, September 12, 9:00 am. Out of the Darkness Community Walk.   Proceeds benefit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Check in is from 8-9am, White River State Park Canal Downtown Indianapolis, Indiana. See you there! info@
Mommymoon—Wednesday, September 16, 6:00 pm at the Central Library downtown, 40 E. St. Clair St., Indianapolis. Don't forget activities and a snack for the kids!  info@

Scientific Examination of Medicine and Mental Health—Thursday, September 17, 6:30 pm, Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis.   Topic:  Vestigial Organs  Craig Gosling is the coordinator of this group.
CFI Indiana Movie Night—Friday, September 18, 6:00 pm, Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis.   Movie: Coraline
CFI Kids (formerly Earth Scouts) and Secular Family Network—Sunday, September 20, 10:00 am, Brown County State Park.  Meet at the Nature Center at 10:00 am and hike trail 6.  At the Nature Center we'll discuss the wildlife and plant life of that region, history of the park, and geology of the park.  Depending on how long that takes we'll either fit another hike in or go to a picnic area to eat lunch.  After lunch, we'll visit the fire tower and talk about its purpose and what could happen if people accidentally start a forest fire or fail to keep one under control.    Please contact Joe at joe.jr317@ or call me at 000-000-0000 for updates. 
Science Movie—Sunday, September 20, 6:00 pm.  Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis. Movie: Planet Earth: Mountains
Book Signing-Dr. Jeffrey Schweitzer, author, Beyond Cosmic Dice: Moral Life in a Random World (Book on Sale at CFI Indiana for $20), Monday, September 21, 7:00 pm, CFI Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis. 
Indy Atheists—Dr. Jeffrey Schweitzer, author, Beyond Cosmic Dice: Moral Life in a Random World-(Book on Sale at CFI Indiana for $20), Monday, September 21, 7:00 pm, CFI Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis. 
Humanist Speakers—Tuesday, September 22, 7:00 pm, Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk,  Suite A, Indianapolis.  Practice your public speaking skills in a relaxed environment.   Contact Mike Middleton at mmiddleton.1@ to learn more about this group.  Anyone is welcome to attend.
CFI Indiana Movie Night—Friday, September 25, 6:00 pm. Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis. Movie: Revolutionary Road
CFI Kids (formerly Earth Scouts)—Sunday, September 27, Fort Harrison State Park, East 59th Street and Post Road, 10:00 am. They will be participating in the Hoosier Outdoor Experience.  Information at:  Please check with Joe Oliver either by e-mail, joe.jr317@ or by phone, 000-000-0000 for a rally point. 
Scientific Examination of Religion—Sunday, September 27, 6:00 pm, Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis.  Topic: Islam, Science and the Qu'ran: Examining the Islamic contributions to science and claims that the Qu'ran foretells modern discoveries.  Sean O’Brien is the discussion leader and coordinator of this group. 
Café Inquiry—Tuesday, September 29, 6:30 pm, Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis.  Topic:  Indiana’s Natural History:  Excavating Ice-Age Mastodons in Indiana. Dr. Arthur Mirsky will describe exhuming mastodons from a peaty deposit of one of the last ice sheets to cover part of Indiana. Dr. Mirsky is Professor Emeritus in the Dept. of Earth Sciences at IUPUI.
Mommymoon—Wednesday, September 30, 11:00 am, the 61st & Broadway neighborhood park. Don't forget the kids, swimsuits, sunscreen, towels and a snack!  For more information: info@
International Blasphemy Day—Wednesday, September 30, 6:30 pm, Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis. Discussion.  What is blasphemy?   What laws are there now and have been in the past concerning blasphemy?   Should blasphemy be a crime?  Should religion be immune from criticism?  Reba Boyd Wooden will be the discussion leader. 

Weekly Events

Coffee and Conversation—every Sunday, 10:00 am to noon at Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis, IN.  Unstructured conversation and socializing.
Conversations in Spanishevery Sunday(except September 13), 10:00 am to noon at Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis, IN.  This is for people who want to learn Spanish or practice their Spanish.

Secular Family Network Playgroup—every Monday, 10:00 am to noon at Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis.  A good time for the kids to get acquainted, play, and socialize while their moms/dads get together for good conversation and support.  Anyone is welcome.  If you have questions, contact Andi Pierce at apierce@.  Call Andi at 000-000-0000 to check for possible location change.
English as a New Language—every Saturday, (except September 12) 10:00-11:30 am at Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis, IN.  This is for anyone from any language background who wants to learn and improve their English speaking skills.  No charge.

Freethought Discussion Groups in Other Indiana Cities

CFI Indiana Hamilton County Meetup—meets every other Sunday at 10:00 am. Check webste for location.  For more information call Ryan at 000-000-0000 or go to
Bloomington Atheist Happy Hour—first Friday of every month 5:30-6:30 pm at The Dunn Inn, 208 South Dunn (between 3rd and 4th), Bloomington, IN. 

Freethinkers of Montgomery County (Sponsored by CFI Indiana)—Meet every first and third Thursday, 6:30 to 8:00 pm, Crawfordsville Public Library Basement.  To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:
Lafayette Freethinkers (Sponsored by CFI Indiana)—Meet every second Thursday of the month from 6:30-8:00 pm at the UU Church, Room 106 in West Lafayette and on the fourth Thursday at the PRIDE Community Center in Lafayette.  Go to for more information.
Freethought Muncie-New Castle (A CFI Indiana Discussion Group)—For information about this group and also the Ball State student group email Robert Pinger at pinger@.
Freethought Fort Wayne (A CFI Indiana Discussion Group)—For information, go to freethoughtfw@ or  Check out the latest Enlightenment Show which is produced by local Fort Wayne Freethinkers.  Contact Andy Diekroger at freethoughtfw@ for more information.
Richmond Area Free Thinkers Society  Contact: Aaron Hill at contact@ for more information. 
Michiana Skeptics—contact Elizabeth Brown, indimenticabile1@ or go to
CUFREE (Champaign Urbana FreethinkersPhil_cufree@.

Louisville Atheist Meetup

Freethought Groups on Indiana College Campuses

IUPUI FreethinkersEmail free@ for information and meeting times. 
IU/ For more information, email secular@.
Earlham College, RichmondFor more information, email free@ 
Ball State UniversityFor information email Robert Pinger at pinger@.
Purdue University/Lafayette

For more information about these programs and more and to sign up to receive a full CFI Indiana newsletter, email indy@ or call 000-000-0000.

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