Saturday, August 01, 2009

August 9th Mtg: Our Urban Ecology

The Center For Inquiry/Chicago is pleased to present:
Our Urban Ecology: Biodiversity Conservation
with guest presenter Dr. Liam Heneghan
Professor of Environmental Science at DePaul University

(Please note that this is a MORNING session.)

Sunday - August 9th - 10:30 AM
UIC, University Center East building
750 S. Halsted (UIC campus), Room 613 (our usual place)

"In one of the foundational gestures of American environmental action, David Henry Thoreau walked out of town: "It is hard for me to believe," he informs us, "that I shall find fair landscapes or sufficient wildness and freedom behind the eastern horizon. I am not excited by the prospect of a walk thither; but I believe that the forest which I see in the western horizon stretches uninterruptedly toward the setting sun, and there are no towns nor cities in it of enough consequence to disturb me." The wildness towards which Thoreau sauntered is the territory that subsequently and overwhelmingly attracted the attention of the environmental movement and the ecological sciences that ultimately supported it."

"Professional ecologists are now, more than a century later, turning their attention to cities and suburbs ("urban ecology" is one of the discipline's young stars) They are finding that the challenge is to create a science that blends the traditional concerns of their discipline with the social sciences that have a rich history in urban areas. The Chicago region leads the way in interdisciplinary urban biodiversity conservation. I will discuss the emerging trends of this subdiscipline, the role of research in Chicago in this field, and will conclude with a call for integrating the humanities into these programs of work."
Dr. Liam Heneghan is a professor of Environmental Science, and co-director of the Institute for Nature and Culture, at Depaul University.
Please join us for this interesting meeting. This MORNING session will include the main presentation, a Q&A session, and usually some additional time for a roundtable discussion! We provide the hot coffee and we very much appreciate pastry and snack donations.

You need not be a Friend of the Center (member) to attend these meetings, although non-CFI Members will be asked for a modest contribution. If you find that you like us, please do join as a Friend of CFI/Chicago!

Questions? Just call our (part time) office phone: 312-226-0420.
Hope you can attend!

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