Saturday, August 08, 2009

Keyword News: [atheism]

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Friday, August 07, 2009 10:21 PM PDT
DART Discuss Bus Ads With Atheist Group
KCCI 8 Des Moines Fri, 07 Aug 2009 18:46 PM PDT
Representatives of the Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority meet with members of a group that took out controversial ads promoting atheism on city buses.

See more news stories that match my keyword

Friday, August 07, 2009

Christ Conspiracy What is a Mythicist?

What is a Mythicist?

The History of Mythicism



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Christ Conspiracy The Secret History of the World all Weekend on Aeon Byte!!!

They say history is written by the victors, but history itself is sustained by the underground esoteric stream of great minds and their imagination. Such giants as Alexander the Great, Plato, Newton, Des Cartes, George Washington and hundreds more were initiated in secret organizations that sprouted from the ancient Mystery Schools. Freemasons, Gnostics, Rosicrucians, Kabbalists and other clandestine groups have contributed more to the advancement of mankind's liberation and accomplishments than the steely will of Orthodox rulers and their thought processes. We twine through their secrets, sometimes found in the strangest of places, and understand what is so important about secret initiations.
Astral Guest-- Mark Booth, Author of 'The Secret History of the World.'
Topics Discussed:
--The rise and reason for Mystery School and Secret Organizations.
--Why mankind has lost its way since marginalizing the esoteric ways. And how to get it back.
--How some of the greatest esoteric secrets are found in children's stories.
--The Pineal Gland: An almost useless brain organ or the seat of the soul and the third eye we have forgotten to use?
--The importance and risks or being initiated to awaken the God consciousness.
--How to find an esoteric path or group that suits your spiritual tastes.
And much, much more!
Just go to The program is broadcast all weekend long. Listen to it at your convenience.
All past shows of Aeon Byte are available at Digital or CD copies in bulk can also be purchased through our homepage.
*Disclaimer* There is a eulogy during this program to Nathaniel Merritt, author of `Jehovah Unmasked', former Aeon Byte Journal writer, and past guest. It was actually a cruel hoax spread on the Internet and other venues. Please disregard this very bizarre but not uncommon dark joke of the Demiurge.

Please support Acharya by visiting Help spread the word and post this site wherever you can!Yahoo! Groups Links
To visit your group on the web, go to:

Freethought Examiner: 'My mother is a religious fanatic - what can I do?' Part 2

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For Part 1 of "My mother is a religious fanatic - what can I do?" go here...
When dealing with a family member or friend who is fanatically religious, the most obvious thing to do—a step that people often take—is to ... Read more »

Freethought Examiner, D.M. Murdock

D.M. Murdock, also known as Acharya S, is an independent scholar of comparative religion and mythology from a "freethinking" perspective. She is the author of The Christ Conspiracy, Suns of God, Who was Jesus? and Christ in Egypt. Her work was featured in the movie Zeitgeist and Bill Maher's Religulous. Her main website is

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AANEWS for Friday, August 7, 2009

#1267 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8/07/09
A Service of AMERICAN ATHEISTS, a nationwide movement that defends
civil rights for non-believers; works for the total separation of
Church and State; and addresses issues of First Amendment public
"ATHEIST is really a thoroughly honest, unambiguous term, it admits
of no paltering and no evasion, and the need of the world, now as
ever, is for clear-cut issues and unambiguous speech."
-- Chapman Cohen
In This Issue...
* Blackwater probe, suit -- Christian Supremacist, an
Army of Templars?
* Lammers at Midwest Humanist Conference tomorrow!
* Worth Noting -- More C-Street expose!
* Get on the team, join American Atheists
* Dave's blog
* Resources
* About this list...
Founders Family Funded Religious Right Groups
The controversial private security army once known as "Blackwater"
is at the center of new allegations involving everything from murder
to illegal arms dealing .
A former employee of the firm -- now known as XE -- and an
ex-Marine who served as a security operative under contract
in Iraq -- gave depositions which were filed this past week in
federal court. Identified as "John Doe One" and "John Doe Two,"
the pair made explosive allegations against Blackwater founder Erik
Prince. According to a story in The Nation magazine, Prince "may
have murdered or facilitated the murder of individuals who were
cooperating with federal authorities investigating the company."
One portion of the affidavit claimed that Mr. Prince "views himself
as a Christian crusader tasked with eliminating Muslims and the
Islamic faith from the globe."
Indeed, Mr. Prince is an unabashed Christian evangelical with a
family pedigree of support for religious extremism. He is the
son of the late Edgar Prince, a wealthy Michigan industrialist and
vocal born-again Christian who bankrolled a number of organizations
including James Dobson's Focus on the Family, Promise Keepers,
and Donald Wildmon's American Family Association. He also provided
the seed money for Gary Bauer's Washington, DC-based Family Research
Council. Wife Elsa was active in the semi-secret Council for National
Policy, (Board of CNP Governors, 1996 and 1998) a meeting venue
for conservatives and religious right leaders.
The elder Prince also funded Christian evangelical ministries like
Gospel Communications International, a Michigan-based outreach which
produces proselytizing films. Today, that ministry has expanded to
include a number of internet-based projects including The Navigators,
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship and Children's Bible Hour
Erik Prince's sister, Betsy, married Richard DeVos, President of
the multi-level marketing giant Amway. DeVos's involvement in
religious right politics dates back to the 1970s when he helped
found the so-called "Third Century Movement" which grew out of a
series of secret meetings in Washington, DC. According to author
and historian Sarah Diamond ("Spiritual Warfare, The Politics
of the Christian Right"), this was the genesis of the modern
religious right. Also "present at the creation" were Bill Bright
(Campus Crusade for Christ); insurance magnate Arthur De Moss; and
then-Congressman John Conlan. DeVos also bank funded the FRC's
glitzy Washington, DC office building. Wife Betsy was prominent
in the "school choice" movement, and at one time served as Chair
of the Michigan Republican Party.
Erik Prince was born in 1969, gained entrance to the U.S. Naval
Academy, but transferred to Hillsdale College in Michigan and
graduated in 1992. He served as an intern for George H.W. Bush in
1990, and two years later joined the Navy SEALS. From there, he
inherited an estimated $1.3 billion from the sale of his father's
company, Prince Automotive, and in 1997 established the Blackwater
firm. From there, Prince operated under a Byzantine array of names
including Blackwater Security Consulting (2002), and quickly won
crucial government contracts. In 2007, Erik Prince testified before
Congress during a probe of allegations that Blackwater operatives
engaged in misconduct in Iraq and Afghanistan. Prince resigned as
Blackwater CEO; meanwhile, the company morphed into XE. Prince has
retained his title as Chairman, though, and according to published
reports claims little involvement in day-to-day operations.
The depositions filed in federal court portray Erik Prince as a
driven, ruthless paramilitary boss with a Christian supremacist
vision of global affairs. "John Doe #2" stated in his deposition:
""Mr. Prince intentionally deployed to Iraq certain men who shared
his vision of Christian supremacy, knowing and wanting these men to
take every available opportunity to murder Iraqis. Many of these
men used call signs based on the Knights of the Templar (sic),
the warriors who fought the Crusades."
The deposition continues:
"Mr. Prince operated his companies in a manner that encouraged and
rewarded the destruction of Iraqi life. For example, Mr. Prince's
executives would openly speak about going over to Iraq to 'lay
Hajiis out on cardboard.' Going to Iraq to shoot and kill Iraqis
was viewed as a sport or game. Mr. Prince's openly and consistently
used racist and derogatory terms for Iraqis and other Arabs, such as
'ragheads' or 'hajiis'."
Despite growing problems over the Blackwater-XE operations, Prince
has continued the family legacy of serving as philanthropist for
religious right interests. He serves as Vice President of the Edgar
and Elsa Prince Foundation, which according to provided
$630,000 in funding over a three-year period to the Family Research
Council, and over $500 to the Focus on the Family. Erik Prince
is on the board of the group Christian Freedom International,
a nonprofit mission to assist "Christens who are persecuted for
their faith in Jesus Christ."
He has also contributed money to the Alliance Defense Fund, a
religious advocacy and legal group that defends school prayer,
posting of the Ten Commandments on public property and other
Along with the federal investigation into Blackwater and XE,
there is a civil suit filed on behalf of Iraqis by the Center for
Constitutional Rights. All of this may shed more light on the
secretive, "private army" which, say some critics, is the modern
day equivalent of the crusaders.
Links to Resources used in this story:
Blackwater Founder Implicated in Murder A former Blackwater employee
and an ex-US Marine who has worked as a security operative for
the company have made a series of explosive allegations in sworn
statements filed on August 3 in federal court in Virginia. The two
men claim that the company's owner, Erik Prince, may have murdered
or facilitated the murder of individuals who were cooperating with
federal authorities investigating the company. The former employee
also alleges that Prince "views himself as a Christian crusader
tasked with eliminating Muslims and the Islamic faith from the
globe," and that Prince's companies "encouraged and rewarded the
destruction of Iraqi life."
Wikipedia entry on Erik Prince, including useful links
The Man Behind Blackwater Dutiful and intense, son of a self-made
billionaire, Erik Prince is an adventure seeker and conservative
true believer. An exclusive. By Evan Thomas and Mark Hosenball
NEWSWEEK From the magazine issue dated Oct
22, 2007
Sourcewatchy story, useful links
Media Mouse background on Prince
Saturday, August 15, 2009 -- Lincoln, Neb.
GREG LAMMERS, Missouri State Director for American Atheists,
will be among the speakers at the FIRST ANNUAL MIDWEST HUMANIST
CONFERENCE on Saturday, August 15, 2009 at the University of
Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
Mr. Lammers joins a distinguished line-up of speakers representing
various Atheist, Freethougtht, Humanist and other secular groups,
* Jim Bechtel, Omaha REASON
* D.J. Grothe, Center for Inquiry Vice President
* Dr. Darrel Ray, Psychologist
* Howard Menzer, Scouting for All
* Cole Morgan & Kay Huddleston, Kansas City Freethought
* Jason Frye, American Humanist Association
* Bobbie Kierstead, Planned Parenthood
You can register on-line and get more info for this big event at .
WHO & WHAT: Greg Lammers & more at the Midwest Humanist Conference
WHEN: Saturday, August 15, 2009
WHERE: Lincoln, Neb.
(AMERICAN ATHEISTS is a nationwide movement that defends civil
rights for Atheists, Freethinkers and other nonbelievers; works for
the total separation of church and state; and addresses issues of
First Amendment public policy.)
An Egyptian River Runs Through Washington : Summer of Denial During
mid July, the Senate Judiciary Committee held hearings on Judge
Sonia Sotomayor's qualifications for the Supreme Court. The Solon's
oratory focused on themes of some fictional world, not one threatened
by global warming and diving economies. Scientists regularly
predict dire consequences if current production and consumption
practices continue, but southern Republicans emphasized the country's
"fundamental" issues: the rights to own guns and numchuks, plus the
sins of abortion, affirmative action and liberal-activist judges who
allow "foreign law" to stain our judicial system. Simultaneously,
news of record June foreclosures and higher unemployment competed
with stories of three self-righteous, high-level, elected Christians
who practiced the very sins against which they had preached.
Feds probe multi-million dollar "racing ministry" The pastor of
a Sterling church says the IRS is investigating his control of
church finances, which include $8.5 million in church real estate
and hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of vehicles that he
and his wife use in a "racing ministry."
Feds can seize Dinosaur Adventure Land A ruling this week says the
nine properties that make up Dinosaur Adventure Land, and two bank
accounts associated with the park will be used to satisfy $430,400
in restitution owed to the federal government. Kent Hovind, who
founded the park and his ministry, Creation Science Evangelism,
is serving 10 years in federal prison as a result of a tax-fraud
conviction for failing to pay more than $470,000 in employee taxes in
a long-running dispute with the Internal Revenue Service. Kent Hovind
was found guilty in November 2006 on 58 counts, including failure
to pay employee taxes and making threats against investigators.
Beyond belief: Atheists push for greater visibility and acceptance
There's nothing unusual about churches advertising Sunday services,
but South Florida atheists are turning that idea on its head:
Why not promote the belief that there is no God? ``Most people
are under the impression that atheists lack morals and ethics. We
are trying to dispel that myth,'' said Ken Loukinen, founder of
the 400-member Florida Atheists and Secular Humanists, which is
sponsoring a controversial billboard in Broward County. Being a good
person doesn't require God,'' the sign declares. ``Don't believe
in God? You're not alone!''
Surprises pop up in new survey of U.S. Mormons On July 24,
the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life released an extensive
statistical portrait of Mormons in the United States. It drew on
answers by self-identified members of The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints to Pew's U.S. Religious Landscape Survey
in 2007. Though it will come as no surprise to Utahns that most
Mormons are church-attending, Bible-believing Republicans, some of
the other results may be less predictable.
Supreme Court to be asked to hear Ten Commandments case The
U.S. Supreme Court will be asked to resolve the controversy over a
Ten Commandments monument on the Haskell County courthouse lawn,
Alliance Defense Fund attorney Kevin Theriot said Friday. "We
are planning on filing a petition for certiorari with the Supreme
Court," said Theriot, of Leawood, Kan.By a 6-6 vote, the full 10th
U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals declined Thursday to rehear the June
ruling of a three-judge panel, which held that the monument violates
the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.
Church-state groups concerned about nominated Army secretary
Organizations that advocate the separation of church and state
say they are concerned about President Obama's pick as Secretary
of the Army. Brent Walker, executive director of the Baptist Joint
Committee for Religious Liberty, said July 30 that U.S. Rep. John
M. McHugh, a five-term Republican from New York, has a voting record
that shows he is no friend to religious liberty. Critics say John
McHugh's voting record in Congress suggests he has little regard
for separation of church and state. Walker said McHugh, who is
expected to be confirmed at the conclusion of hearings before
the Senate Armed Services Committee, has a background that is
"generally well-suited for the job," but his voting record "raises
serious questions about his understanding of the constitutional
restraints on government in matters of religion."
Catholic bank owned pill shares A Roman Catholic bank in Germany
has apologized after admitting it bought stocks in defence, tobacco
and birth control companies. Der Spiegel newspaper discovered the
bank had invested 580,000 euros ( 495,310, $826,674) in British arms
company BAE Systems. It also invested 160,000 euros in American birth
control pill maker Wyeth and 870,000 euros in tobacco companies.
The bank apologised for behaviour "not in keeping with ethical
Study: Religiosity of Humanities Students Most Likely to Wane
Results from a recent study on the impact of a college student's
major on their religiosity have led researchers to conclude that
postmodernism, rather than science, is the greatest antagonist of
religiosity. Researchers at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor drew
the conclusion after finding that majoring in Humanities or Social
Sciences has a significant negative effect on religious attendance
and self-assessed importance of religion in one's life."Because
we consider both the Humanities and many of the Social Sciences
particularly strongly imbued with Postmodernism, we take this as
evidence for a negative effect of Postmodernism on religiosity,"
they state in their report, which was released last month. Meanwhile,
majoring in the Biological Sciences and the Physical Sciences has
a much smaller negative or no effects on religiosity.
Iowa Atheists and Freethinkers launch awareness campaign The group
Iowa Atheists and Freethinkers (IAF) has launched an advertising
campaign on the sides of 20 transit buses in Des Moines. The ad
features an image of a blue sky with clouds and the words "Don't
Believe in God? You are not alone."
Acknowledging existence of atheists is too offensive for Des Moines
After a wave of complaints, Des Moines Area Regional Transit buses
will no longer display advertisements that acknowledge the existence
of atheists in Iowa. The ads, which said, "Don't believe in God? You
are not alone," first went up on buses Saturday and were removed
by Tuesday. Gov. Chet Culver said he was "disturbed" by the ads.
Texas gov. urges Christians to get involved in politics According
to, during remarks this past Sunday at New Life
Christian Center, Governor Perry said Christians should be involved
in politics. He also said freedom of religion should not be confused
with freedom from religion.
Here's a "stimulus package" for Atheists! We know that times are
difficult. Nonbelievers are like everyone else in the country
--you can get laid off or put on part-time, you can see important
investment and home value evaporate. And many people are cutting
costs, postponing vacations, cutting back whenever and wherever
they can.
So, American Atheists is making it easier than ever before to join
up in the fight for Reason, separation of church and state, and
the effort to give America's unbelieving community "a place at the
table" in the discussion over First Amendment public policy. You
can join American Atheists for only $20 per year; you receive the
American Atheist Magazine, a leading journal for news and opinion;
plus all of the discounts and other benefits of membership. It's
easy to do! Visit
to sign up using our secure, on-line transaction server.
Your membership in American Atheists shows that you care about taking
a stand for Reason, civil liberties for Atheists, and the total,
absolute separation of church and state! Membership is open to all
who agree with our Statement of Aims and Purposes. Joining American
Atheists, though, also has it rewards! Benefits and Privileges of
Membership include.
Membership dues and donations to American Atheists are tax
Your personal Membership card qualifying you at Conferences,
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Membership Discounts.
A beautiful Certificate of Membership suitable for framing signed
personally by the President of American Atheists.
Participation in our on-line discussion group, AACHAT.
Participation in our special "Atheist Singles" program (see below).
A special 10% discount on ALL books and products offered through
American Atheists Press.
A special discount when you present your Membership Card for
registration at American Atheist Conventions, Regional Atheist
Meets and other select activities.
A subscription to the American Atheists Magazine - a leading source
of news about AA activism and First Amendment issues!
Eligibility in the new American Atheists Scholarship Program. The
Scholarships will provide generations of American Atheist families
with funds, and help to defer costly education expenses.
Members of American Atheists benefit from our Savings Partners
program of discounts on goods and services from both local and
national businesses. And there's a special gift waiting for you when
you join American Atheists! By joining American Atheists, you're
making a major contribution in helping to protect civil liberties
for Atheists, and preserve Jefferson's "wall of separation" between
government and religion. Let us hear from you today!
It is one of the fastest growing blogs in the
Atheist/Freethought/Secular Humanist community, and you can get in
on the discussion!
Dave Silverman, Communications Director for American Atheists is in
the Blogosphere at It's filled with insight,
wit, hot news, controversial opinion -- and polite, thoughtful
commentary. So join the conversation! Sign up (it's free) by
visiting and click on the blog navigation
button, or go directly to .
* For membership information about American Atheists, send
mail to info@. Kindly include your name and postal
mailing address. Ask for a free membership info packet. You may
also visit and click on the "Membership"
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* For a free catalogue of American Atheist Press books, videos and
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AAP catalogue. You may also shop directly at
--click on the "Shopping" navigation button.
* Current members in good standing of American Atheists may sign up
for our free E-mail Discussion Group list, aachat. We have over 150
participants who discuss topics such as Atheism, religion, First
Amendment issues, creationism and much, much more. Contact the
Moderator, Ed Gauci through egauci@ .
AANEWS is a free service from American Atheists, a nationwide
movement founded by Madalyn Murray O'Hair that defends the civil
rights of nonbelievers; works for the total separation of church
and state; and addresses issues of First Amendment public policy.
You may forward, post or quote from this dispatch provided
that appropriate credit is given to both AANEWS and American
Atheists. Please do not post complete editions of this
newsletter indiscriminately to news groups, boards or other
outlets. Edited by Conrad F. Goeringer (cg@). The
Internet Representative for American Atheists is Larry Mundinger
(lmundinger@). The President of American Atheists is
Ed Buckner (ebuckner@).


[TC-Alternate-list] AUTOU in John 3:16-17

It's been explained elsewhere that the posessive pronoun is not always necessary in Greek, as in Acts 21:40, where there is not doubt as to whose hand Paul was waving. But the question may arise in John 3:16-17 as to whose only son God gave, in those mss that don't include AUTOU (and not all of them are consistent in whether they include it in both verses).
Then there's the evidence from Aleph, where the corrector added AUTOU to v. 16 but not to 17. Thus it appears that the AUTOU was not absolutely necessary, but was added anyway as a stylistic gesture. The other explanation, of course, is that because it was not grammatically necessary it was easily dropped in transmission, and only sporatically restored. Certainly the influence from Aramaic would have inclined John himself to include it.

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Randigram for August 7, 2009

James Randi Educational  Foundation
August 7, 2009

Unsubscribe info at the bottom

JREF News:

Announcement About Upcoming Meetings

To all my JREF friends-

As I announced at TAM 7, during a recent routine medical exam I received news that I have been visited by a most unwelcome guest. Now, I am fighting this with the aid of medical experts, and I have the highest trust -- not faith, mind you, but trust -- in their knowledge of and their ability to use state of the art medical science. No balms, distilled water, electrified needles, rubs, detoxifying agents, or poultices for me!

While I'm somewhat weakened by this state of affairs, I am emboldened by the support I have received from the JREF audience and community. Your emails and phone calls have filled me with (dare I say it) good spirits, and fight on I will.

However, on the advice of said medical experts, I must avoid crowds and public places. As much as I love to meet everyone and shake their hands, for the time being this has become impossible. Therefore I will not be attending Dragon*Con or NECSS in September, or TAM London in October. However, you can rest assured there will be a cadre of critically thinking skeptics attending and speaking at those conferences, and I urge you to attend them. As much as I wish I could go as well, I need to attend to my health first, so that I can be there in person next time.
And that, my friends, I fully plan to do.
James Randi

Recent Swift Blog Updates:

Dara O'Briain Says It All

We can post article after article, lecture, jump up an down and point to all the evidence in the world. But sometimes... all that's needed is a pithy comedian to set the record straight.
Dara O'Briain is such a man, and these six minutes encompass the mission of the JREF and other skeptical organizations succinctly and with hillarity.
The language is a bit rougher than you'd find on American broadcast television, so if you're offended by that type of thing, you might not enjoy this. For the rest of us, it's a treat. Direct link is found here:

We Should Be Insulted

The "complimentary and alternative medicine" business brings in some $34 billion a year in direct out-of-pocket spending from American consumers. The budget of the US National Institutes of Health - a major Federal agency - is not available to the average person, it seems. Looking in on the Internet for a simple dollar figure produces no results that I can find. A direct search for a "$" sign reports no hits...
My attention has been brought to this strange situation since I recently came into possession of a 62-page full-color booklet produced and distributed by the National Cancer Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health. This comprehensive publication - in its "Words To Know" glossary, begins with a definition of what is possibly the only form of quackery that outranks homeopathy for idiocy: acupuncture. It reads:
Acupuncture (AK-yoo-PUNK-cher): The technique of inserting thin needles through the skin at specific points on the body to control nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms.
Other literature issued by the NCI runs on and on about how ancient this idea is, that it is used in China, and how it's administered. Does it work?

Read more

Religious Belief and College Attendance

Recently I read here that a study [1] had been conducted which looks at the trends between the study of certain subjects in college and religious observance. The study concluded that very religious high school students are more likely than less religious high school students to attend college.
This may surprise the skeptical world. I've heard many times that people with high levels of religiosity tend to be less educated and less intelligent whereas people with low religiosity tend to be more educated and more intelligent. Typically people cite an article published in nature as evidence for this phenomenon [2], if they cite an article at all. So why is this study saying that people who are more religious are more likely to attend college?

Read more

More Evasion

This last Sunday I posted "We Should be Insulted," a commentary on the seeming endorsement of acupuncture by US agencies. Following that, I sent an inquiry to Ms. Cynthia Bass at the National Cancer Institute [NCI] - a division of the National Institutes of Health [NIH] - with this direct comment and question:
I have seen references in NCI literature to the use of acupuncture in cancer treatment, to relieve certain side-effects of chemotherapy. My question: Is there any scientific, double-blind research that shows acupuncture is effective?
Please note: I specified "double-blind" because many non-blinded tests of acupuncture have been done, with mixed results, but no such tests can be considered as evidential unless done that way, and I've never found any records of double-blinded tests of this claim. Ms. Bass did not answer the question. She referred me to a list of frequently-asked questions - and the official answers - on the NCI site; this is not unexpected, considering the volume of inquiries that the agency must receive. I have selected here those that almost respond to my inquiry.

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The Anti-Vax Movement and Swine Flu

As we discussed in the Anti-Anti-Vax Panel at TAM7, scientifically illiterate activists are endangering our public health. Now they have a new target: the fast-track program to develop a swine flu vaccine in time to prevent a possible pandemic.
A correspondent in the Netherlands wrote me, forwarding this article a friend in the UK had sent him: Briefly, it says we are going to be offered a dangerous, inadequately tested swine flu vaccine for a nonexistent threat.

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JREF and Education

With the insertion of a new American President that actually wants scientists to be heard and (and to subsequently follow their advice), one can feel the winds of change blowing across the country and to a lesser extent, other countries as well. These breezes are bringing a breath of fresh realism to the people where science is no longer twisted or ignored to fit ideology, but rather it is being recognized as a legitimate source of information from which to base sound decisions.

Many skeptical organizations say that Education is the backbone of their activities, and if that's true then now is the time for them to move out into the education frontier and start fighting the battles to win the minds of our youngest students.

I Have More...

Readers will know that I've been expressing my objections to National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute [NIH/NCI] suggestions that acupuncture can/may/might offer relief of cancer treatment side-effects. I'll begin this entry by providing some explanatory background. I'm personally involved because I'm well into the process of chemotherapy, a "clean-up" procedure following a successful operation to remove a tumor. I prepared myself by reading up on the literature, and I must say that I'm doing very well - due to very recent improvements in the process, and new medications. I've experienced none of the possible nausea, though I'm weakened physically due to a decrease in red blood cells, and I have to avoid possible infection because of a lessened resistance. This, I hope, explains my considerable reaction to the irresponsible NIH/NCI comments on the efficacy of acupuncture for the relief of chemotherapy.

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James Randi, Born Today, + 81 Years

randilibraryMany people have expressed interest in sending James "The Amazing" Randi birthday wishes on this, the first day of his 82nd year.
For your viewing pleasure, here's a link to a James Randi photo gallery that we put together a few years ago.
And for a unique view of Randi, check out this rare clip.

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The James Randi Educational Foundation ( is a not-for-profit organization that promotes critical thinking, science education, and skeptical inquiry by providing the public and the media with reliable information about paranormal, supernatural, and pseudoscientific claims.

Randigram is the weekly e-bulletin of the JREF. Contents © 2006-2009 James Randi Educational Foundation.

[JesusMysteries] Stan Seidner re: Israel Knohl

Despite numerous efforts since June, I have not been able to locate Stan Seidner re: his alleged critiques of Israel Knohl's work on the Gabriel stone. The individual who has referenced this alleged paper has not replied to me two e-letters of inquiry. Has anyone discovered any further elaboration?
Shalom welitra'ot.

~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
STEPHAN PICKERING / Chofetz Chayim ben-Avraham
2333 Portola Drive # 4

**over long signature block deleted by moderator**

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Thursday, August 06, 2009

[Real World Atheism] long but worth it

The Strange Case of Francis Collins


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Posted: 05 Aug 2009 07:09 PM PDT
Zahi Hawass is a good scholar. So why does he need to act like he’s in Palto’s cave staring at the wall? Really, Zahi, amateurs can discover things. It’s a matter of research and (surprise) looking somewhere someone else isn’t or hasn’t. No big secret. I’m no follower of Andrew Collins’ ideas on several fronts, but when someone like Zahi just can’t admit that someone found something he didn’t, it has the ring of paleobabble. Let’s give credit when it’s due.
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Wednesday, August 05, 2009 10:21 PM PDT

Controversial Atheism Bus Ads Pulled
KCCI 8 Des Moines Wed, 05 Aug 2009 19:56 PM PDT
The atheist advertising signs on Des Moines Area Regional Transit buses that created a storm of controversy when they first went up on Aug. 1 have now been taken down.

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Wednesday, August 05, 2009



Posted: 05 Aug 2009 11:04 AM PDT
Turns out even real scholars can be guilty of paleobabble when motivated by biases. They simply filter the data through a preconceived grid.
I’ve blogged before about how F. Delitzsch was influenced by racial theories of his day toward anti-Semitism, which in turn erased his objectivity about the Mesopotamian influence on the Old Testament (see, “Is Zecharia Sitchin Anti-Semitic?”). I don’t think Sitchin or others who blindly follow him are anti-Semitic. But they keep foisting exaggerated and misguided 19th century academic conclusions about Sumerian-Akkadian influence on the Old Testament on their readers. The fact is that today, in the real 21st (and 20th) century worlds of biblical studies and Assyriology, conclusions about such influence are far more tame and guarded. The issue is just more complex than 19th century scholars either knew or cared to admit. Many were propelled by racism. Here’s another article on Delitzsch and this subject. It’s introduction and conclusion read in part (my highlights):
“Our concern in this essay is not with the role of Delitzsch’s work in the history of the disciplines of Assyriology and biblical studies per se. Instead we aim to take this centennial as an opportunity to refresh the guild’s memory concerning his presuppositions and the tragic turn observable in the lectures themselves.
At the centennial of the “Babel und Bibel” lectures, our intent has been to consider Delitzsch and his method in the context of his time and place in order to gain a heuristic depth perception after the passage of a full century. Delitzsch was a brilliant Assyriologist, one of the most distinguished scholars of the time. But beyond his philological accomplishments, he also left behind a legacy of uncritical political nationalism and questionable assumptions. In this light, Delitzsch stands as a singular reminder of the importance of the way in which we relate our research to our context.”

Breaking News...New Survey Finds Atheists are People, Too...

...Breaking NEWS...Atheists are People, too...Survey of Nonbelievers Yields Surprising/Expected Findings...

Dear friends,
As many of you might remember, last year we asked you to participate in a ground-breaking, first-of-its-kind survey of nonbelievers. Thousands of you responded and now we're happy to say the results are in!
Luke Galen, associate professor of psychology at Grand Valley State University in Michigan, has released the findings of his study and published an article summarizing the results in the most recent issue of Free Inquiry magazine, the flagship publication of CFI's sister organization, the Council for Secular Humanism.
In his article, Galen notes that other researchers have collected mountains of data about the attitudes and characteristics of believers, but there's far less information about nonbelievers. Even worse, what little data does exist has often been collected accidentally.
Galen's study is the first to direct a full range of sociological survey questions specifically at our population of "nones" (as nonbelievers have usually been identified by pollsters).
Here's a sampling of what he found:

In addition - and perhaps most significantly - Galen's data calls into question the oft-reported link between strong religious belief and mental health.

To learn more about the study, you can read the official CFI Press Release from this morning's announcement, view and download a PDF of the article, or read the on-line version on the Free Inquiry website. Questions about the survey? Email info@.
Many thanks to all of you who took the time to fill out the questionnaire and respond to the survey. You made this possible! Thanks, too, to Luke Galen for his interest in our under-reported population, and Jeff Seaver, the Director of CFI Michigan, for his assistance with the research.
The Center for Inquiry and the Council for Secular Humanism

The mission of the Center for Inquiry is to foster a secular society based on science, reason, free inquiry, and humanist values. To learn more and to find out how you can help, please visit

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CFI Double Press Release: Constitutional Abuses and African Atrocities

Two Press Releases: CFI Fights for Church/State Separation; against African Superstition

CFI Files Amicus Brief in Salazar v. Buono

Center for Inquiry Files Amicus Brief in Salazar v. Buono; Urges the Supreme Court to Uphold Previous Rulings by the 9th Circuit
Amherst, N.Y. (Aug 5, 2009)—The Center for Inquiry (CFI) filed an amicus brief with the United States Supreme Court in the case of Salazar v. Buono. The high court is scheduled to hear the case on Oct 7. At stake is whether a Christian cross may remain atop Sunrise Rock in the Mojave National Preserve in California.
Read the full press release in the CFI Press Center.

CFI Representative Assaulted by Christians at Children’s Rights Conference

Gospel church upset at efforts to halt African atrocities based on fear and ‘magic’
Amherst, N.Y. (Aug 5, 2009)—The Center for Inquiry’s anti-superstition campaign has turned dangerous. During a passive Nigerian conference meant to explore ways of combating the abuse, expulsion and murder of children wrongly accused of witchcraft, more than 150 members of the Christian witch-hunter Helen Ukpabio’s Liberty Gospel Church reportedly overpowered the non-combative participants, invading the conference and subjecting attendees to threats, violence and physical attacks.
Read the full press release in the CFI Press Center.

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[Real World Atheism] The Family

Two very interesting videos
Bill Maher interviews Jeff Sharlet
Rachael Maddow interviews Jeff Sharlet

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Monday, August 03, 2009

[Real World Atheism] Council prayer debate to heat up

Council prayer debate to heat up
Stockton Record
Daniel Thigpen
August 2, 2009
LODI - During a Lodi City Council debate three years ago over whether to mount the words "In God We Trust"
in the council chambers, Councilman Larry Hansen, today the town's
mayor, acknowledged the city might have been be in violation of a court
decision related to pre-meeting prayers.Many
of the pastors who lead elected leaders in prayer before each City
Council meeting for years prayed to Jesus Christ. The city's own
policy, based on a state appeals court decision on public invocations, bars such Christian-specific references.Even with Hansen's admission years ago, city leaders often turned a blind eye as pastors frequently broke the rule.Now, the city can no longer ignore the issue. Lodi has become the latest battleground over the separation of church and state, and the City Council is the target of both Christian and atheist groups throughout the country.On
Wednesday, those warring factions will face off in simultaneous rallies
on the steps of Lodi's Carnegie Forum before the council's next regular
meeting.The City Council is not discussing
its invocation policy at that gathering, opting instead to hold a
special meeting in a larger venue later this year."I'm hearing from people all over the United States," Hansen said. "It clearly is an issue that there's some division on."Earlier this year, the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation,
a national organization that fights to keep religion out of government,
offered the city a stern warning over the prayers and their apparent
violation of court decisions on the separation of church and state.The
prayers' frequent reference of Christ also appeared to often break the
city's own policy on invocations, which are mandated to be
"nonsectarian and nondenominational."After a
local resident complained to the foundation about such prayers, the
group investigated and found pastors had prayed to Christ 39 times in
55 City Council meetings since 2007.Hoping to avoid a lawsuit, city leaders have decided to revisit Lodi's invocation policy.Outraged
Christian groups have been spreading the news for weeks over the
airwaves and Internet. One group has offered to pay Lodi's legal
expenses should it battle in court."Any enforcements of a nonsectarian prayer policy is an infringement on the First Amendment rights on pastors," said James Klingenschmitt, founder of the Pray in Jesus Name Project in Colorado.The
former Navy chaplain is organizing a Wednesday prayer rally and said
he's expecting hundreds from throughout the state and beyond to attend.David
Diskin, a 32-year-old computer trainer and Lodi resident, said he hopes
his own, separate rally will give the town's atheists and agnostics a
voice.Emotions are running high. E-mail
inboxes at City Hall have been inundated with hundreds of impassioned
pleas, many imploring the City Council not to "ban Jesus" from meetings."Nobody's banning Jesus, and nobody's banning prayer. But we are asking that religion be neutral," said Annie Laurie Gaylor,
co-president of the Wisconsin foundation. "What if they started their
meetings saying Allah's name? That would upset a lot of Christians. ...
This is not about barring religion; this is about barring religion in
government."Lodi's existing policy is based on a 2002 appeals court ruling.In a case against Burbank, California's 2nd District Court of Appeal ruled that prayers at city meetings could contain references to God, but mentioning Jesus' name violated the First Amendment clause prohibiting the establishment of state religion.Both
sides of the conflict cite case law to support their positions. But a
definitive legal answer is elusive, said Alan Brownstein, a constitutional law expert at the UC Davis School of Law."I don't think there is an answer that everyone would agree is correct," he said.The
U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that invocations are allowed before
legislative sessions because the practice is rooted in history. But
there is language in the decision that suggests prayer must be
nonsectarian, Brownstein said.There is little legal consensus among lower courts on the issue, he said.That makes defining what is nonsectarian a tough task."What
works for one person doesn't work for somebody else," he said. "The
idea of a nonsectarian prayer can be hard to implement."As
early as September, the council could discuss the city's policy,
choosing whether to enforce it, change it or ditch the prayers
altogether.As for "In God We Trust" - that's hanging on a plaque in the lobby.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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CFI Indiana August 2009 Schedule

August 2009

Join us for CFI Indiana activities and other interesting
events around Indianapolis!
(To view or print these events in a calendar format, please visit our website.)

Click Here to Read a Great Press Story about Our Fort Wayne Group!

Special Events – Mark your Calendar!

September 11-13—CFI Indiana Institute: Religion under Examination: A Closer Look by Experts. Robert Price, Ibn Warraq, and John Shook are confirmed speakers. Price is a Bibical scholar, Warraq is a Koranic scholar, and Shook specializes in naturalism. Some programs will be at CFI Indiana and some at the IUPUI Campus Center. Watch for more information and an opportunity to register in future communications.
Monday, September 21—Dr. Jeffrey Schweitzer, author of Beyond Cosmic Dice: Moral Life in a Random World. 7:00 pm, CFI Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis.
Sunday, October 25—Tom Flynn, "Robert Ingersoll: The Most Remarkable American Most People Never Heard Of," 4:00 p.m., Hamilton 16 Theatre.
Sunday, November 8Spirit and Place Event, "Inspiring Places--Magnificent Victory Monument for Rational Outlook on Life--Das Deutsches House/Athenaeum," 2:00 pm, Athenaeum.

Indiana Atheist Bus Campaign—Go to to keep up with the new developments for this campaign.

Regular Events

Movie Night—Friday, August 7, 7:00 pm. Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis. Movie: Last Chance Harvey.
Landscaping DayAn Indy-area Planned Parenthood health center is hosting a landscaping day and would love to have your help. The landscaping will take place on Sat. Aug. 8th at 8am. Bring gardening gloves and any of your favorite landscaping tools. Breakfast provided. For more info or to RSVP, contact Katie Blair at 637-4185 or katie.blair@.
Movie Night—Sunday, August 9, 6:00 pm, Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis. Movie: The Da Vinci Code.

Moms and More—Wednesday, August 12, 10-11:30 am, Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk Suite A, Indianapolis. This is a program of Mommymoon Network. All moms are welcome and children may come along. For more information, go to: or contact Megan Schlagenhauf at meg.schlagenhauf@.
Scientific Examination of Medicine and Mental Health—Thursday, August 13, 6:30 pm, Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis. The topic will be: Medical/Anatomical Terminology. Craig Gosling is leading the discussion.
CFI Indiana Annual Picnic—Sunday, August 16, noon, Reddick Shelter, Fort Harrison State Park, East 59th Street and Post Road. Anyone is welcome to attend. Bring meat to grill and a dish to share.
Earth Scouts—Sunday, August 16, noon, Reddick Shelter, Fort Harrison State Park, East 59th Street and Post Road. Bring meat to grill and a dish to share. There will be special children/s activities and Earth Scout activities at the picnic. Call Joe Oliver at 317-370-7775 for more information.
Indy Atheist MeetupMonday, August 17, 7:00 pm. at Moe and Johnny's, 5380 North College, Indianapolis. Open discussion. Anyone is welcome.
Discussion of Timely Topics—Thursday, August 20, 6:30 pm, Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis. Fred Mandelkorn is the discussion leader.
Movie Night—Friday, August 21, 7:00 pm. Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis. Movie: Songs in Ordinary Times.
Social Light Event—Saturday, August 22, 10:00 am to 8:00 pm. WAMM Fest in Greenwood at Craig Park, 10 E Smith Valley Rd, Greenwood. If you want to hang out with CFI Friends, meet the group at Dunkin Donuts, 120 W Smith Valley Road, between 9am and 9:30 am. Kat McKee is the coordinator of this activity.

Movie Night—Sunday, August 23, 6:00 pm. Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis. Movie: The Four Horseman.

Humanist Speakers—Tuesday, August 25, 7:00 pm, Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis. Practice your public speaking skills in a relaxed environment. Anyone is welcome. Mike Middleton is the facilitator of this group.
Café Inquiry—Thursday, August 27, 6:30 pm, Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis. Topic: Gavin Rose, ACLU-IN discusses “Constitutionality of Indiana’s 2009 Budget.” Andrew Olson is the coordinator for this group.

Karaoke and Open Mike Night at CFI Indiana—Friday, August 28, 7:00 pm, Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis. Michele Shaw is the coordinator for this activity.

Moms and More—Saturday, August 29, 10-11:30 am, Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk Suite A, Indianapolis. This is a program of Mommymoon Network. All moms are welcome and children may come along. For more information, go to: or contact Megan Schlagenhauf at meg.schlagenhauf@.
Earth Scouts—Sunday, August 30, 2009 1:00pm - 5:00pm, Southeastway Park, 5624 South Carroll Road, New Palestine IN, 46163 (southeast side of Indy). The event is called Bugfest 2009 and is put on by the park. It is dedicated to all things "buggy". It is for the whole family and free. Call Joe Oliver at 317-370-7775 for more information.
Book DiscussionWomen Without Superstition: “No Gods—No Masters”—The Collected Writings of Women Freethinkers of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Edited by Annie Laurie Gaylor—Monday, August 31, 6:30 pm, Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis. This will continue a series of monthly discussions about women freethinkers. Reba Wooden is the discussion leader.

Weekly Events

Coffee and Conversation—every Sunday(except August 16), 10:00 am to noon at Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis, IN. Unstructured conversation and socializing.
Conversations in Spanishevery Sunday(except August 16), 10:00 am to noon at Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis, IN. This is for people who want to learn Spanish or practice their Spanish.

Secular Family Network Playgroup—every Monday, 10:00 am to noon at Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis. A good time for the kids to get acquainted, play, and socialize while their moms/dads get together for good conversation and support. Anyone is welcome. If you have questions, contact Andi Pierce at apierce@. Call Andi at 317-852-4188 to check for possible location change.
English as a New Language—every Saturday, 10:00-11:30 a.m. at Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis, IN. This is for anyone from any language background who wants to learn and improve their English speaking skills. No charge.

Freethought Discussion Groups in Other Indiana Cities

CFI Indiana Hamilton County Meetup—meets May 3, 17, & 31 at 10:00 am at the 96th Street Panera, just east of I-69 in front of Wal-Mart. For more information call Ryan at 317-446-8680 or go to
Bloomington Atheist Happy Hour—first Friday of every month (May 1), 5:30-6:30 pm at The Dunn Inn, 208 South Dunn (between 3rd and 4th), Bloomington, IN.

Freethinkers of Montgomery County (Sponsored by CFI Indiana)—Meet every first and third Thursday, 6:30 to 8:00 pm, Crawfordsville Public Library Basement. To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below: .
Lafayette Freethinkers (Sponsored by CFI Indiana)—Meet every second Thursday of the month from 6:30-8:00 pm at the UU Church, Room 106 in West Lafayette and on the fourth Thursday at the PRIDE Community Center in Lafayette. Go to for more information.
Freethought Muncie-New Castle (A CFI Indiana Discussion Group)—For information about this group and also the Ball State student group email Robert Pinger at pinger@.
Freethought Fort Wayne (A CFI Indiana Discussion Group)—For information, go to freethoughtfw@ or Check out the latest Enlightenment Show which is produced by local Fort Wayne Freethinkers. Contact Andy Diekroger at freethoughtfw@ for more information.
Richmond Area Free Thinkers Society—Come see August Berkshire at his brief tour stop in Richmond. Fifth Street Bagel, June 16th (Tuesday) from 11:45 am to 12:45 pm. Contact: Aaron Hill at contact@ for more information.
Michiana Skeptics—contact Elizabeth Brown, indimenticabile1@ or go to
CUFREE (Champaign Urbana FreethinkersPhil_cufree@.

Louisville Atheist Meetup

Freethought Groups on Indiana College Campuses

IUPUI FreethinkersEmail free@ for information and meeting times.
IU/ For more information, email secular@.
Earlham College, RichmondFor more information, email free@.
Ball State UniversityFor information email Robert Pinger at pinger@.
Purdue University/Lafayette

For more information about these programs and more and to sign up to receive a full CFI Indiana newsletter, email indy@ or call 317-423-0710.

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