Saturday, August 22, 2009

[JesusMysteries] Jesus Interrupted

Although I admire and respect Bart Ehrman, despite the fact that he insists on a historical Jesus, I found this below in his latest book, "JESUS INTERRUPTED". The emphasis is mine:
"Paul taught that keeping the Law had nothing to do with entering the Kingdom. For Paul, only the death and resurrection of Jesus mattered. The historical Jesus taught the Law. Paul taught Jesus. Although as I have pointed out, PAUL DID NOT INVENT THIS NEW TAKE ON JESUS BUT INHERITED IT.
A rift naturally occurred as soon as Christians insisted that Jesus was the Messiah, that the Messiah had to suffer for sins, that the death of the Messiah was the means by which God made people right with him, that the Law could play no role in the act of salvation, and that Jews therefore had either to believe in Jesus as Messiah or be rejected by God. WE FIND THIS VIEW IN PAUL, BUT HE DIDN'T INVENT IT; IT WAS ALREADY BEING PROPOUNDED BEFORE HE CAME ON THE SCENE."
This goes back to something I Posted recently about just where Paul got his Christology. The vision on the road to Damascus don't exactly teach anything. It is just some kind of heavenly theophany and there is no narrative directly from his Christ. So where did he get his information that fills volumes of Epistles? Was a message dictated to him, as in the case of Mohammed? Was it as a result of scriptual exegesis?
Ehrman says Paul did not "invent" it but only used what was being said about Jesus before his own ministry. I can't find an explanation of this. What information was being propounded and by whom? Certainly he is not referring to Acts. Paul was the earliest source. Granted, the followers of Jesus may have been speaking of him in Messianic terms, but that meant something entirely different from Paul's perspective of Messiah.
It leaves me still wondering just what did happen of the road to Damascus.

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[Edfu] Interesting discussion on origin of Afro-Asiatic

[Edfu] Interesting discussion on origin of Afro-Asiatic
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Keyword News: [atheism]

Dispraxis writes: Huh? I guess really old news is really good news! Actually, this is some kind of Yahoo problem or error. The link that resolves has no relation to what the text says. Interesting, though.

Yahoo! Alerts

Friday, August 21, 2009 10:21 PM PDT

Raelian Women March Topless Against 'Myth Of God' Fri, 21 Aug 2009 20:20 PM PDT
On the up-coming international woman's day weekend, during this 2004 international year of atheism, Raelian women around the world will protest against the myth of God responsible for centuries of repression inflicted upon women.

See more news stories that match my keyword

Friday, August 21, 2009

Christ Conspiracy Islam: a religion of violence, not peace

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D'ya think?

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Islam: a religion of violence, not peace*
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Thursday, August 20, 2009

[Real World Atheism] Friendly Atheist under attack by Christian hate group

August 19, 11:52 AMPortland Humanist Examiner
Hemant Mehta, the Friendly Atheist, is under attack by a right wing Christian
hate group. The Illinois Family Institute, led by Laurie Higgins, is harassing
celebrity atheist Mehta.
According to Mehta, a high school math teacher, Higgins emailed
his boss, his high school's entire administrative staff, and every school
board member to inform them about Mehta's private life as an atheist blogger.
The attempt was to smear Mehta, claiming Mehta was unprofessional and
unsuitable to be teaching because of his affiliation with atheism.
This episode is but one shameful event is an organization that is
ugly through and through. The Illinois Family Institute is a vile sewer of hate
and ignorance. The group is engaged in a campaign of gay bashing homophobia.
The organization seems dedicated to denigrating anyone who does not goose step
to their Christian fundamentalism. Obviously, any organization that claims the
gay community is just as dangerous as Nazis is
out of touch with reality and hard to take seriously.
Higgins is on record as favoring the bullying
and harassment of gay
children by Christian children. She is engaged in an effort to prevent any
legislation which prohibits or penalizes discrimination based on sexual
orientation or gender identification. She believes it is a Christian's God
given right to abuse and harass gay adults as well as gay youth.
The attack on atheists and homosexuals is predictable for a group consisting of
the most ignorant and bigoted among us. Yet their shame is every Christian's
shame. Where are the good Christians, and why do they allow such hatred and bigotry
to be spread in their name?
For more info: The Friendly Atheist

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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[TC-Alternate-list] New File: Critique of All Five Chapters of "Perspectives"

I have completed a chapter by chapter critical review of "Perspectives on the Ending of Mark: Four Views," and added it to the Files here at TC-Alternate. I offer an analysis of the solutions provided by Daniel Wallace, Maurice Robinson, J. K. Elliott, and David Alan Black, as well as the chapter by Darrell Bock. The reviews pretty much speak for themselves.
Looking back at the book and the conference that spawned it, a few casual observations:
(1) Dr. Elliott's approach seems a lot more convoluted in the book than it seemed at the 2007 conference.
(2) Dr. Wallace has as much difficulty getting his facts straight and seeing the obvious in the book as he did at the conference.
(3) Dr. Black's chapter is largely an excerpt from his earlier book "Why Four Gospels."
(4) It is still a mystery to me what Dr. Bock was supposed to be doing. But if he was supposed to be serving as moderator, he didn't do his job.
(5) I can resist the temptation to award Dr. Wallace the Most Reckless and Overrated Bible Scholar of the Decade award, but I might succumb to the temptation to give him the nickname Obelisk. It might be good for him.
Yours in Christ,
James Snapp, Jr.

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[JesusMysteries] The Firstborn Son of God

I ran across an interesting "verse" in the Dead Sea Scrolls. What do you think this means and how does it relate to the Christian concept of Jesus being "Son of God"?
4Q369 Frag 1 2:3-7 The Firstborn Son of God is unique in all the known world as a prince and a ruler, giving to his people an eternal rule throughout the generations to come.
Thomas Ragland
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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

[Real World Atheism] a moral obligation for atheists

Supporting the Obama plan for a public option insurance could well be
a moral obligation for atheists.
Here is an opportunity to show that atheists are concerned about
We cannot afford to lose this chance to shout about morality.
Support this plan because it is the right thing to do, because we care.
Marilyn LaCourt
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Tuesday, August 18, 2009



Posted: 18 Aug 2009 03:47 PM PDT
Hopefully, this will prevent future PaleoBabble and prehaps help scholars address current claptrap.

Christ Conspiracy U.S. Views on God and Life Are Turning Hindu | Newsweek The Smart List |

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I'd like to think I had a small hand in helping along this trend toward greater cultural awareness and spiritual evolution.

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U.S. Views on God and Life Are Turning Hindu | Newsweek The Smart List |*
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Monday, August 17, 2009



Posted: 16 Aug 2009 05:08 PM PDT
Such is the title of this sixteen page academic essay from Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions. It is very worthwhile reading. The author discusses, among others, John Major Jenkins’ ideas about 2012. Here’s the abstract:
ABSTRACT: According to the ancient Mayan Long Count calendar, a cycle of more than 5,000 years will come to fruition on the winter solstice of 2012. While this date is largely unknown among contemporary Maya, some participants in the New Age movement believe it will mark an apocalyptic global transformation. Hundreds of books and Internet sites speculate wildly about the 2012 date, but little of this conjecture has a factual basis in Mayan culture. This paper provides an overview of the primary currents in the 2012 phenomenon, examines their sources, and speculates about developments as this highly anticipated date approaches.

AANEWS for Monday, August 17, 2009

#1268 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8/17/09

A Service of AMERICAN ATHEISTS, a nationwide movement that defends
civil rights for non-believers; works for the total separation of
Church and State; and addresses issues of First Amendment public
"ATHEIST is really a thoroughly honest, unambiguous term, it admits
of no paltering and no evasion, and the need of the world, now as
ever, is for clear-cut issues and unambiguous speech."
-- Chapman Cohen


Despite news of battles over healthcare reform at home, a shaky
economic recovery and violence in Afghanistan, media coverage of
the notorious "C-Street" scandal has found traction and surprising
longevity. For nearly two months, reporters have steadily peeled
back the layers of intrigue, salacious behavior and theological
hooliganism linked to the shadowy, Washington, DC-based group dubbed
"the family," "the Fellowship" and even "the Christian Mafia." It is
all about a nondescript building on C-Street in the nation's capital
which serves as a combination bunk house and spiritual retreat for
many prominent insiders, including a number of U.S. senators and
representatives linked to scandalous behavior.

The ne'er-do-wells have become household names. There's South
Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, Nevada U.S. Senator John Ensign and
ex-Mississippi Congressman Chip Pickering. All have been tied to the
"Fellowship," and despite a mantle of Christian probity
and religious righteousness, were exposed for improprieties and
dalliances despite their marital vows and public stance on sectarian
morality (see: , "An
Egyptian River Runs Through Washington," by Saul Landau). A quick
GOOGLE search reveals dozens, if not hundreds of other stories in
the nation's media now shedding light on the C-Street theo-mafiosi,
including U.S. Congressman Zach Wamp, a religious right stalwart who
just over a week following the John Ensign scandal, gladly accepted
a $5,000 donation from the latter's political action committee (see:
, "C Street House Making Wamp a National Joke, Jeff Woods).

Wamp is a regular when it comes to standing on the steps of
the U.S. Capitol and dishing to news media about the virtues
of government-sponsored school prayer, or display of the Ten
Commandments, or why women should be denied abortion services.
Buried in the Woods piece, however, is a new revelation about
Mr. Wamp's efforts to promote sectarian religion through, of all
things, the earmark process. Earmarks are a largesse at taxpayer
expense to lawmakers who wish to fund pet projects without the usual
fiscal committee hearings and oversight. Whether it is a "bridge to
nowhere," a patronage-style public works program (usually bearing
the name of the earmarker) or, in the latest case of Zach Wamp,
a series of mega-chapels to be build on US military bases, earmarks
are the bacon, the pork, the slop trough of the budgetary process.
Both the left and right regularly denounce the practice, but like a
perpetual drunk accepting Jesus and swearing demon liquor, actions
rarely live up too the words.

Woods updates readers -- and, for those True Believers in the
C Street agenda, it must gratifying to note that not all of
the effort within the Fellowship is being expended in cheatin'
hear-style erotica. He notes: "Rep. Zach Wamp, one of Ensign's
fellow C Streeters who's been in the news for defending the Family's
secrecy, has teamed up with Family-linked Reps. Ander Crenshaw,
R-Fla., and John R. Carter, R-Texas, on an obscure appropriations
committee to help greenlight tens of millions in federal funds for
new megachurch-style chapels on military bases around the country."

Whether it has been Christian proselytizing at the Air Force Academy
or distributing bibles in Afghanistan in a "crusade" against Islam,
separation of church and state has been a persistent problem
within the military. Jeff Sharlett, who has written extensively
about the C-Street Fellowship recently exposed another aspect of
this problem involving these modern-day Christian crusaders (see:
Planning: Totalitarians for God..." by Chris Floyd ).

So far, the tab for Wamp's earmarks is overt $14.5 million, with
new mega-chapels planned on two U.S. military bases.

The antics of the C-Street boys, a blend of salacious, frat-house
groping and self-righteous Bible-verse quoting, may be reaching
the limits of tolerance even for some Christian fundamentalists.
World Magazine, a religious-conservative journal founded and edited
by Marvin Olasky, has just run its own expose of the "Fellowship"
(see: , "All in the
Family" by Emily Belz and Edward Lee Pitts). which finds the
"scandal-tainted C-Street house" to be "big on protecting its
own and small on church ties and theology." We might not wish to
argue the latter, but certainly the dictum of "CYA" and profiting
politically from both theology and raw political muscle seems to
prevail amongst these bible-quoting philanderers.

We will continue to follow both the skirts and money which seem to
be so much a part of the C Street lifestyle. This includes keeping
a sharp eye on Mr. Wamp and his earmarks for God, and the larger
problem of transforming our military into Cosmic Warriors with a
global mission to slay the infidels.



Growth in Number of Americans Citing No Religion May Be Slower Than
Previously Reported Americans continue to pull away from organized
religion, but the rate of departure previously reported may not have
been as abrupt as originally thought, according to research to be
presented at the 104th annual meeting of the American Sociological
Association. Sociologists Michael Hout and Claude S. Fischer of the
University of California, Berkeley, find that the previous estimate
of a doubling during the 1990s of the proportion of Americans with
no religion probably started earlier than 1991 and doubled over a
14- or 15-year period. New data suggest that the trend continued
through 2008, likely fueled at least partially by the growing number
of Americans who were raised with no religion.

Shooter Read Sexist Christian Author's Book Before Pittsburgh Female
Aerobics Class Massacre Sodini's final reading: a book by sexist
Fundamentalist who claimed husbands own their wives, as property.

Senate Confirms Outspoken Christian as NIH Head The U.S. Senate
on Friday confirmed prominent geneticist Francis S. Collins as the
new director of the National Institutes of Health.
Professional Atheist Pitchforks New Christian Head of NIH New
atheist Sam Harris, author of The End of Faith: Religion, Terror
and the Future of Reason (2004) and Letter to a Christian Nation
(2006), takes after Francis Collins, the former head of the federal
government's Human Genome Project. President Barack Obama has just
appointed Collins as the director the National Institutes of Health
where he will oversee that agency's $30 billion annual research
budget. Harris is really ticked that Collins professes to be able
to reconcile Christianity with modern science.

Christian Cowboy Plots to Bring Christ into Kids' Social Studies
Class When the Texas State Board of Education issued a list of
proposed "experts" to sit on a social studies curriculum panel,
one name immediately leaped out to defenders of church-state
separation: David Barton. The panel is supposed to consist of
academics and others with specialized knowledge to assist the board
in drafting new social studies standards for public schools across
the state. The selection of Barton, a Religious Right propagandist
who for years has pushed a fundamentalist "Christian nation" view
of American history, is a sure sign that trouble lurks ahead.

Falling says putting Christian creationism display in the Tulsa
Zoo is top priority Republican mayoral candidate Anna Falling said
Tuesday that putting a Christian creationism display in the Tulsa Zoo
is No. 1 in importance among city issues that include violent crime,
budget woes and bumpy streets. "It's first," she said to calls of
"hallelujah" at a rally outside the zoo. "If we can't come to the
foundation of faith in this community, those other answers will
never come. We need to first of all recognize the fact that God
needs to be honored in this city." Falling, who has founded several
Christian nonprofits and is a former city councilor, also said the
next mayor needs to appoint people to city boards, authorities and
commissions who will "honor God."

Trottier and Michael Payton: Defending atheist bus ads In a recent
interview with Philosophy Now magazine, the Canadian philosopher
Charles Taylor, author of A Secular Age, commented on the atheist
bus-ad campaign, calling it "odd" and "pathetic" for atheists to
use such tactics to promote their worldview. In the same interview,
Taylor, who is a practising Roman Catholic, compared the backlash
of atheists and secularists to the reactions of disgruntled English
bishops after the publication of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of
Species in the 19th Century.

Punk meets Islam for new generation in U.S. The guitarist stands
in front of a mirror messing with his mohawk. The drummer strikes
a wild tempo. The singer rips off his T-shirt and begins to scream
the lyrics.

DART, atheist group benefit from ad debate A controversy over
whether an advertisement for an atheist group should be displayed
on the side of public buses seems to have benefited both parties
involved. Membership in the Iowa Atheists and Freethinkers has
doubled from what it was before the ad campaign began. In addition,
the Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority's advertising
department is seeing new groups interested in buying ads.

Moderate scientists caught in middle of evolution debate This spring,
evolutionary biologist and bestselling author Richard Dawkins -
most recently famous for his public exhortation to atheism, The God
Delusion - returns to writing about science. Dawkins's new book, The
Greatest Show on Earth, will inform and regale us with the stunning
''evidence for evolution'', as the subtitle says. It surely will
be an impressive display, as Dawkins excels at making the case for
evolution. But it's also fair to ask: who in the United States will
read his new book (or any like it) and have any sort of epiphany,
or change his or her mind?
Media Coverage of the Faith-Based Initiative in the First Six Months
of 2001 and 2009 When he took over the White House in January 2009,
President Barack Obama quickly adopted much of the "faith-based
initiative" put into place by his predecessor, President George
W. Bush. The initiative was designed to expand the role of
faith-based and community organizations in the delivery of social
services. But a new study by the Pew Research Center's Project
for Excellence in Journalism and the Pew Forum on Religion &
Public Life finds that Obama's faith-based initiative has so far
generated little of the contentious press coverage associated with
Bush's effort. And the program is not as closely associated with
the current president as it was with the man he succeeded.

OP-ED smears Camp Quest, Atheists And how did you spend your
summer? Having more fun, I hope, than the English kids marched
off to Camp Quest, a five-day atheist camp supported in part by
Oxford scientist Richard Dawkins. The idea, Dawkins said, is "to
encourage children to think for themselves." Yes, well, as long as
they don't think well of religion, tykes are welcome to join his
herd of independent minds.

Gay Marriage Fight, "Kiss-In" Protests Smack Mormon Image The
Mormon church's vigorous, well-heeled support for Proposition 8,
which banned gay marriage in California last year, has turned
the Utah-based faith into a lightning rod for gay rights activism,
including a nationwide "kiss-in" Saturday. The event comes after gay
couples here and in San Antonio and El Paso, Texas, were arrested,
cited for trespassing or harassed by police for publicly kissing. In
Utah, the July 9 trespassing incident occurred after a couple were
observed by security guards on a downtown park-like plaza owned by
the 13 million-member Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Brad Pitt: Religion Doesn't Make Sense To Me, Gay Marriage Does
Sporting a long gray beard, Brad Pitt visited Bill Maher Friday
night to reaffirm the pro-gay, anti-religion, pro-marijuana agenda
he recently laid out in Parade magazine. "What is it about religion
you don't like?" Maher asked. "You know, I grew up in a religious
family, in a religious community and it just doesn't make sense
to me. It just doesn't work for me in the long run," Pitt said. "I
never wanted to stop anyone else's religion and their beliefs until
I started seeing it defining policy.... Like gay marriage. You have
a group of people telling other people how to live their lives,
and you can't do that. In fact, I'm talking like there are actually
Christians watching your show..."

He had faith in his job - A reporter's work covering church sex
scandals, religious tycoons and healers tests his beliefs --
and triggers a revelation. WHEN Times editors assigned me to the
religion beat, I believed God had answered my prayers. As a serious
Christian, I had cringed at some of the coverage in the mainstream
media. Faith frequently was treated like a circus, even a freak show.,2933,539864,00.html?test=latestnews
No Burquini, No Bathing: British Pools Impose Muslim Dress Codes
on All Swimmers British swimming pools have begun hosting special
Muslim swim sessions during which swimmers - including non-Muslims -
are banned from entering the pool if their swimming attire doesn't
comply with dress code required by Islamic custom. Under the rules,
men must be covered from the naval to the knees, while women,
who swim separately, must be covered from the neck to the ankles,
according to the U.K.'s Daily Telegraph newspaper.


August 15, 2009


Dallas Morning News editorial columnist Rod Dreher has written an
op/ed titled "Against atheist fundamentalism" at:

Mr. Dreher begins with unflattering remarks about Camp Quest UK
and Richard Dawkins, and a one-day Camp Quest event in Texas.
He segues into a paean on behalf of a program sponsored by the
Templeton Foundation, and broadens this to an attack on "evangelical
atheists." Mr. Dreher then suggests that belief in religion is "hard
wired" into our brains, and continues with puzzling statements like:
"We ought to reject the shibboleth, advocated by both religious
and secular fundamentalists, that religion and science are doomed
to be antagonists."

Mr. Dreher's column invites feedback from readers. It is an
excellent opportunity for Atheists to speak out against many
misconceptions, including the stereotype than when we express views,
somehow this is inappropriate or an example of "fundamentalism" on
the other side. We urge you to carefully read his latest op-ed, and
provide a measured, thoughtful response. Be polite and courteous,
and concise. You may wish to share your remarks at the NoGodBlog
( as well.

(AMERICAN ATHEISTS is a nationwide movement that defends civil
rights for Atheists, Freethinkers and other nonbelievers; works for
the total separation of church and state; and addresses issues of
First Amendment public policy.)



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AANEWS is a free service from American Atheists, a nationwide
movement founded by Madalyn Murray O'Hair that defends the civil
rights of nonbelievers; works for the total separation of church
and state; and addresses issues of First Amendment public policy.

You may forward, post or quote from this dispatch provided
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American Atheists, PO Box 158, Cranford, NJ 07016

Secular Humanism Online News, Aug. 2009

Vol.5 No.7

In This Issue:


The Iranian Revolution (Part 1)
*By Ibn Warraq

According to the BBC there were perhaps as many as two million protestors on June 15, 2009 in Tehran and other cities, the largest demonstration since the 1979 Iranian Revolution that brought the Mullahs to power. The protestors were supporters of Mir Hossein Mousavi, considered by many to be a reform candidate, angry at his putative election defeat (the election was held June 12), and convinced of voter fraud. The much-feared Iranian security forces and violent volunteer militia members (the Basij, and imported Hezbollah thugs) were on hand to attack the unarmed Iranians, many of whom were women. In the first few days of the Green Revolution (Mousavi chose green as his campaign color), the London Guardian reported dozens of deaths.
Since the heady days of June, the Iranian government has executed dozens, perhaps hundreds (exact figures are hard to establish, and must, accordingly, be treated with caution). In the meantime, the Iranian government has begun the trial of more than a hundred protestors including senior opposition figures who risk long prison sentences or the death penalty if found guilty of “being an enemy of God.” Protests have continued, but the brave Iranians who confront the brutal guards daily are leaderless. Thus it is difficult to know where the Revolution is headed. There are signs of complex internal power struggles within the Mullacracy—the Supreme Leader Khamenei being very suspicious of even Ahmadinejad’s motives and goals. Nonetheless, the hardliners are gaining in strength with each day that passes as the Islamic regime consolidates its power. The most seasoned Iran watchers themselves are wary of making any predictions.
How are we to interpret all these events? In the United States, even the most conservative pundits and journalists were very enthusiastic about the Green Revolution, seeing it in mythic terms of freedom versus tyranny. Charles Krauthammer, Michael Ledeen on Pajamas Media, Bret Stephens in The Wall Street Journal, Andrew Sullivan on his blog The Daily Dish, Pamela Geller on Atlas Shrugs, all cheered from the sidelines. Perhaps the only journalist of note who dissented from the euphoria was Diana West of The Washington Times. For West, “Iran’s protests reflect a theocratic power struggle between rival mullahs—namely, between Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, who backs Mir Hossein Mousavi, and Ali Khamenei, who backs Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.” Diana West’s words of caution were a welcome moment for us to stand back and reflect on the real implications of what was taking place in Iran.
We know that in the past Mousavi has shown himself to be a Khomeinist—that is to say, a theocrat, anti-Western, anti-Israel, pro-Jihadist; and he has made it clear that he will not halt Iran’s nuclear program if he is ever elected. After all, green, his campaign color, is also the color of Islam. According to some, there is enough evidence to indicate that when he was the Prime Minister of Iran from 1981 to 1989, Mousavi masterminded the bombings of the American Embassy in Beirut that killed more than 60 people, and of the Beirut Marine barracks that killed 299 people, including 220 marines, both in 1983.
However, others within Iran itself, or Iranian exiles living in the West, believe Mousavi has changed. The distinguished Iranian film director and artist, Mohsen Makhmalbaf, who was appointed Mousavi’s spokesman, said on June 19, 2009, “Previously, he was a revolutionary, because everyone inside the system was a revolutionary. But now he’s a reformer. Now he knows Gandhi—before he knew only Che Guevara. If we gain power through aggression we would have to keep it through aggression. That is why we’re having a green revolution, defined by peace and democracy.” Before the election, Mousavi did spell out some of his ideas for governing Iran; they included greater flow of information, the creation of private television networks, a review of laws that at present discriminate against women, greater empowerment of women in general, and the disbanding of the intrusive and brutal morality police. As for his foreign policy, Mousavi claims he wants to reduce tensions between nations and negotiate with the United States. He also criticized Ahmadinejad’s Holocaust denial.
The Green Revolution must be seen as a continuation of a “movement” that began in 1999, and even earlier. This is underlined by the massive show of support for the opposition in Iran that was organized from London by one of the Iranian student leaders of 1999, Azadeh Assadi. Between July 23 and 25, thousands of people around the world held protests to denounce human rights abuses in Iran. July 25 was the “Iran Global Day of Action” when 85 cities around the world participated, including Amsterdam, London and Stockholm, with as many as 4,000 protesting in the Swedish capital.
It is possible that the goal of the protestors has changed from reform to regime change, now demanding a secular form of government.
(Watch for part two in the next Secular Humanism Online News!)
Ibn Warraq is a leading scholar of Islam. He is a Free Inquiry columnist, a Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Inquiry, a supporting organization of the Council for Secular Humanism, and the author of "Why I Am Not a Muslim," "What the Koran Really Says," and more recently, "Defending the West."

CFI’s 2009 Summer Institute Examines Secularism in America Today
By Nathan Bupp and John Shook

Leading experts on secularism and secularity came together this year at the 2009 Summer Institute sponsored by the Center for Inquiry (CFI), a supporting organization of the Council for Secular Humanism. Titled A Secular Summit, the seminar sought to describe how new research is revealing that the secular and nonreligious are becoming a visibly large and potentially powerful segment of society. From demographics and polling, psychology and sociology, to culture studies — A Secular Summit explored today’s fresh curiosity about agnostics, atheists, secularists, and nonbelievers generally.
The 2009 Summer Institute had three main aims. First, to supply three consecutive weeks of education for adult and international students delivered by prominent scholars and CFI staff. Second, to invite leaders of major secular institutes and organizations to deliver addresses and join panel discussions at CFI. Third, to consult with these scholars and leaders about secular people, the progress of the secular movement, and how CFI can continue to play its role in advancing secularism into the future. We recorded and videotaped as many of the presentations as possible for future sales of DVDs and re-use in online educational programs.
Although attendance was about 30 percent less than past year’s summer Institute (mostly caused by the recession, we think), the students and internationals (3 Russian, 2 Chinese) seemed pleased and impressed by the scale and quality of the educational presentations and the major addresses. Also, since some major events and speakers had evening and weekend slots, more than 800 people attended the Summer Institute for one event or another.
The educational quality was consistently high, and most of the areas of CFI’s (and the Council’s) missions were thoroughly explored and explained. Core topics of skepticism, religious criticism, separation of church and state, secular humanism, ethics, and naturalism received presentations from CFI staff including John Shook, Tom Flynn, Eddie Tabash, Paul Kurtz, Ibn Warraq, Derek Araujo, Norm Allen, Joe Nickell, Richard Hull, Lauren Becker, and Debbie Goddard. Summer research fellows presented their research on a naturally humanistic ethos and criticism of alternative medicine. The presentations by atheist author Ron Aronson and atheist filmmaker Brian Dalton (Mr. Deity) were thoroughly entertaining and thought-provoking.
The major addresses by Barry Lynn (of Americans United) and Dan Barker (of the Freedom from Religion Foundation), and the debate between John Shook and Christian apologist Doug Geivett, were all well-received with significant attendance. CFI was happy to have such prominent representatives from other secular organizations and a major theologian at our headquarters within the span of a few days. Also, Barry Kosmin, Gregory Paul, Phil Zuckerman, and Luke Galen—four of the top demographers studying the nonreligious -- were here for three days to share and compare their latest research. Most of the senior staff of CFI were in attendance during portions of the Summer Institute and benefited from their consultations with these leaders and scholars. The 2009 Summer Institute helped advance CFI’s stature as a place for the highest level of intellectual work on secular and humanist issues.
Nathan Bupp is Vice President of Communications for the Council for Secular Humanism and the Center for Inquiry/ John Shook is Vice President and Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Inquiry

“Profiles of the Godless” Receives Media Attention
Free Inquiry magazine has just published the best statistical portrait yet available of atheists, agnostics, humanists and other nonreligious Americans, based on data collected from nearly 6,000 respondents. The study, called the Non-Religious Identification Survey (NRIS), was conducted by Luke Galen, an associate professor at Grand Valley State University (Grand Rapids, Mich.) in conjunction with the Center for Inquiry. We are happy to report that Galen’s reader-friendly summary of the survey’s findings (“Profiles of the Godless,” Free Inquiry Vol. 29, No. 5, pps. 41-45) has been picked up by the media. Demographer Luke Galen received international attention when he was interviewed on BBC Radio/London about the survey and its findings. You can view a sampling of more media coverage below. Read CFI's press release here.

CFI Files Amicus Brief in Salazar v. Buono
On August 5 the Center for Inquiry (CFI), a supporting organization of the Council for Secular Humanism, filed an amicus brief with United States Supreme Court in the case of Salazar v. Buono. The high court is scheduled to hear this high-profile church-state case on October 7. At stake is whether a Christian cross may remain atop Sunrise Rock in the Mojave National Preserve in California. CFI is urging the Supreme Court to uphold previous rulings by the 9th Circuit that have ordered the cross’s removal.
Read the press release here.
Read the full amicus brief here.

Tom Flynn interviewed on Point of Inquiry
Tom Flynn, executive director of the Council for Secular Humanism and editor of Free Inquiry, was interviewed on the June 27 episode of CFI’s popular podcast Point of Inquiry.
In his discussion with host D.J. Grothe, Tom Flynn talked about his new role as executive director of the Council for Secular Humanism and the relationship of that organization with the Center for Inquiry, including contrasting the Council's grassroots network of secular humanist and freethought societies with the growing network of Centers for Inquiry throughout North America. Flynn also explores the philosophical underpinnings of the Council for Secular Humanism, and takes on the currently controversial topic of the relationship of atheism to secular humanism.
Be sure to listen here.

Council for Secular Humanism 30th Anniversary Conference: Oct. 7-10, 2010, Los Angeles
What has the indoor swimming pool from Cocoon, the dizzying staircase from Vertigo, and the stained-glass ceiling from The Poseidon Adventure?* (Hint: It's also the site of the Council for Secular Humanism's 30th anniversary conference, just announced.)
The Council for Secular Humanism will hold its 30th anniversary conference October 7-10, 2010 (please note, that's next year) at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel in downtown Los Angeles. This breathtaking monument to old L. A. grandeur and Hollywood pomp will furnish the elegant backdrop to a conference no secular humanist will want to miss.
Speakers and registration details will be announced in the future on the Council's website,, and in the pages of Free Inquiry. But for now, SAVE THE DATE!
* Well, strictly speaking, not the actual ceiling from The Poseidon Adventure; detail hounds may recall that a stunt man fell through it. But the film's set designers copied the huge stained-glass ceiling overarching what is now the hotel's main lobby.

The Virtual CFI Community
When you can't make it to an event...
We know it's not always possible to make it to an event, but that doesn't mean you have to miss out! CFI has a thriving online community where the free thinking never stops.
Check out our new blog, Freethinking, at Regular contributors include Ron Lindsay (CFI's new CEO), Tom Flynn (ED of CSH and editor of Free Inquiry magazine), Joe Nickell and Ben Radford (CSI Investigators Extraordinaire), and others.
If you're looking for more of a two-way discussion, the CFI Forum is the place for you. You'll find lots of different topics where you can jump right in and join the free thinking and debating. Meet others who share your values from all over the world, and participate in CFI's "virtual community" online.
Would you rather listen to a great interview on CFI topics? Point of Inquiry is the premiere radio show and podcast of the Center for Inquiry featuring the leading minds of the day, including Nobel Prize-winning scientists, public intellectuals, social critics, and renowned entertainers. You can listen to the episodes on your computer, copy them to a CD for your car or home stereo, or download them to your iPod or MP3 player, in addition to hearing the show on a few dozen campus and community radio stations across North America.

Finally, we're happy to say that CFI has been granted a coveted YouTube nonprofit channel which is allowing us to make available hundreds of hours of CFI programming for FREE without the standard 10-minute-content-limit reloading frustrations. You'll find program listings on our own CFI Digital Media page or you can go directly to our CFI YouTube channel. If you'd like, you can subscribe to the CFI channel and you'll be notified every time we add a new program to the list.

Secular Humanism Online News is edited by Nathan Bupp, Vice President of Communications for the Council for Secular Humanism and the Center for Inquiry. nbupp@

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The Council for Secular Humanism is committed to free inquiry, reason, and science, the separation of Church and State, civil liberties, nontheism and humanist ethics. It does not endorse candidates or parties, nor does it take political positions as a corporate body. We open our publications to a wide range of opinions, including dissenting viewpoints; opinions expressed in columns and articles do not necessarily represent the views of the Council.

Freethought Examiner: Is atheism the answer?

examiner logo

There has been a great deal of debate in the media lately concerning the "New Atheism" as led by "atheist gods" such as Richard Dawkins, P.Z. Myers, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens. This notoriety has been enhanced by ... Read more »

Freethought Examiner, D.M. Murdock

D.M. Murdock, also known as Acharya S, is an independent scholar of comparative religion and mythology from a "freethinking" perspective. She is the author of The Christ Conspiracy, Suns of God, Who was Jesus? and Christ in Egypt. Her work was featured in the movie Zeitgeist and Bill Maher's Religulous. Her main website is

Good Deed. Good Read.

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Ronald A. Lindsay
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