Saturday, September 19, 2009

"Beyond Cosmic Dice" this Monday PLUS CFI Indiana Weekly Schedule

Special event this Monday!
Moral Life in a Random World

with Dr. Jeff Schweitzer
Marine biologist and former Clinton White House
Science Advisor

Monday, September 21, 7:00 p.m.

CFI Indiana

350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis
Admission: $5.00 donation appreciated

Morality is our biological destiny.  We each have within us the awesome power to create our own meaning in life, our own sense of purpose, our own destiny.  We can move beyond the random hand of birth to pave our own road to a better life.  Whereas religion claims that happiness and fulfillment are found from submission to a higher power, Dr. Jeff Schweitzer will define these terms quite differently.  We will not appeal to religion or god.  Happiness and fulfillment are derived from the freedom to discover within ourselves our inherent good, and then to act on that better instinct, not because of any mandate from above or in obedience to the Bible, but because we can.

Dr. Jeff Schweitzer
is a scientist who has written extensively on topics of morality, religion, politics, and science – how they relate to each other and their importance in today’s polarized social environment.  He is the author of Vote to Save the Planet and the new book, Beyond Cosmic Dice: Moral Life in a Random World. 
Dr. Schweitzer began his scientific career in the fields of marine biology and neurophysiology earning his Ph.D. from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego.  In 1984, he joined the Center for Learning and Memory at the University of California, Irvine, and in 1991 he was appointed as the Chief Environmental Officer at the State Department’s Agency for International Development.
In 1992, he was made Assistant Director for International Affairs in the Office of Science and Technology Policy where he was responsible for providing scientific and technological policy advice and analysis for the President's Science Advisor and the Vice President.
During his tenure at the White House, Dr. Schweitzer realized that one critical element was missing from global efforts to bring science, conservation, and development together: there was no appropriate ethical foundation providing a compelling mandate.  Since his retirement from government, Dr. Schweitzer has devoted himself to the task of articulating and promoting such an ethic, a new way to ensure that humans can grow and prosper indefinitely in a healthy environment.
For more information, please visit or click here to listen to an interview between Dr. Schweitzer and D.J. Grothe on Point of Inquiry, the radio show and podcast of the Center for Inquiry.
Copies of Beyond Cosmic Dice: Moral Life in a Random World will be available for sale and signing at the event.  E-mail indy@ to reserve a copy.
There will be food for an evening meal.  $5.00 expected donation to cover the cost of the food.

PROGRAM SCHEDULE — September 21-27
Book Signing—Dr. Jeff Schweitzer, author, Beyond Cosmic Dice: Moral Life in a Random World (Book on Sale at CFI Indiana for $20), Monday, September 21, 7:00 pm, CFI Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis. 
Indy Atheists—Dr. Jeff Schweitzer, author, Beyond Cosmic Dice: Moral Life in a Random World-(Book on Sale at CFI Indiana for $20), Monday, September 21, 7:00 pm, CFI Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis. 
Humanist Speakers—Tuesday, September 22, 7:00 pm, Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk,  Suite A, Indianapolis.  Practice your public speaking skills in a relaxed environment.   Contact Mike Middleton at mmiddleton.1@ to learn more about this group.  Anyone is welcome to attend.
CFI Indiana Movie Night—Friday, September 25, 6:00 pm. Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis. Movie: Revolutionary Road
CFI Kids (formerly Earth Scouts)—Sunday, September 27, Fort Harrison State Park, East 59th Street and Post Road, 10:00 am. They will be participating in the Hoosier Outdoor Experience.  Information at:  Please check with Joe Oliver either by e-mail, joe.jr317@ or by phone,000-000-0000 for a rally point. 
Scientific Examination of Religion—Sunday, September 27, 6:00 pm, Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis.  Topic: Islam, Science and the Qu'ran: Examining the Islamic contributions to science and claims that the Qu'ran foretells modern discoveries.  Sean O’Brien is the discussion leader and coordinator of this group

For more information about this and other events, please visit
, email indy@, or call 000-000-0000.  To become a Friend of the Center, visit our membership page.

Visit the web address below to tell your friends about this.
If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up for Center for Inquiry.

AANEWS for Friday, Spetember 18, 2009

#1278 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 09/18/09
A Service of AMERICAN ATHEISTS, a nationwide movement that defends
civil rights for non-believers; works for the total separation of
Church and State; and addresses issues of First Amendment public
"ATHEIST is really a thoroughly honest, unambiguous term, it admits
of no paltering and no evasion, and the need of the world, now as
ever, is for clear-cut issues and unambiguous speech."
-- Chapman Cohen
In This Issue...
* God's Goons Gone Wild? Bet on it...
* Buckner on the stump, DC/Metro speaking tour
* Worth Noting... Teen pregnancy in the Bible Belt?
* Dave's blog
* Resources
* About this list...
By Tim Mitchell recently published an excerpt from Lara Riscol's
upcoming book, "Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Human Sexuality". The
excerpt is entitled, "Girls Gone Wild vs. Virgins Till Marriage:
Why Is Sexual Life in America So Schizoid?" There are some parts of
the excerpt that are worthy of note. In particular, Riscol recounts
a particular example of pro-abstinence education put forth by the
Christian Right. In fact, the Christian Right makes up the bulk of
the conservative half of the excerpt. She writes:
"The two authors of the book, 'Hooked: how casual sex is harming our
kids,' lectured at a broadcast forum by the Christian-right Family
Research Council, the powerful lobbying arm of media empire Focus
on the Family. Beyond the usual physical dire consequences, Joe
McIlhaney and Freda Bush declared the irreparable emotional damage
of one having multiple sex partners. Dr. Bush drove home their
scientific claims by describing how adhesive tape loses its sticky
power after pulling it apart more than once. Like used adhesive
tape, the more you have sex with someone other than your spouse,
the more you lose your ability to bond. Oh, and sex means anything
that incites physical arousal; no word on masturbation. Bottom line
is there are only two types of sex: married (good) and unmarried
(bad). . . . Their conclusion supports the absolutist agenda of the
synergistic family values, traditional marriage and abstinence-only
movements that push the conservative ideal of sex confined to a
heteronormative lifetime of marital fidelity, to the exclusion of
all other sexual expressions. . . . For many, a magic pill to make
bad and scary things go away sounds nice. But if prescribing to
dogmatic absolutes worked, then the most religious and conservative
red states wouldn't have the highest rates of teen pregnancy,
divorce and porn consumption."
However, much of what Riscol discusses about the Christian Right
and sex doesn't get to the core problem of, as she puts it, our
inability to "budge beyond nostalgia-fed moral panics to sane
responses to modern challenges." In fact, even though her examples
of religious fundamentalism focus largely on the issue of sex,
they basically sum up the Christian Right's approach to just about
anything they see as a social problem, from abortion to evolution:
Present it in black and white terms.
Lump it in with other things that scare them to the point where they
are indistinguishable (e.g., homosexuality = bestiality, feminism =
communism, Obama = Islam, etc.) to gain emotional support. Claim
that accepting Jesus as your personal savior is the ONLY solution.
Ask for money, and then ask for more money, and then ask for even
more money.
Attack, attack, attack.
Furthermore, while authors such as Riscol touch on media-friendly
instances of fundie-supported anti-sexuality, they fail to question
the troubling contradictions that abound within conservative
religious circles. For example, even though the Christian Right
is eager to tell you how secular society promotes pedophilia, they
themselves go to great lengths to suppress press coverage of when
crimes of pedophilia occur within their own ranks of clergy, even
to the point of openly opposing legislation that supports extending
the civil statute of limitations for cases of child sex abuse. Or
when the Christian Right will speak loudly against gay marriage and
transsexuality, but say absolutely nothing when industrial chemicals
produce lakes and rivers filled with hermaphrodite fish and frogs.
While there are no instant solutions to ongoing contradiction
of human sexuality and religious conservatism/fundamentalism,
here are a few suggestions that I have about what can be done
to shake up the ongoing debate about sex and push it into less
fundie-friendly waters.
1. In addition to Darwin Day, atheists, agnostics, humanists and
free thinkers should also push for a Kinsey Day, in recognition
of trailblazing biologist/sexologist Alfred Kinsey. His work into
human sexuality has gone a long way towards promoting discussion of
human sexual behavior as something natural, not something of which
to be ashamed. He applied scientific research methods to a bunch of
horny, repressed and confused Americans-if that isn't a bold use of
reason, I don't know what is. Furthermore, like Darwin, religious
conservatives/fundies hate Kinsey as well. For example, according
to the Concerned Women of America (,
the ultimate goal of Kinsey and his supporters is "to normalize
pedophilia". As if the Vatican doesn't?
2. Change the debate venues with Christian Right leaders to
those speakers and locations that are more sex-friendly. In the
future, I don't want to see more Christian Right talking heads
take on Atheists, Agnostics, Pagans, Jews or liberal Christians;
instead, I want to see the likes of Pope Ratzinger, Rick Warren
and T.D. Jakes talk about sex with nudists, preferably in front
of a nudist audience. (It would be even better to do this with
Christian nudists, which actually do exist. See the Christian
Nudist Convocation and the Christian Nudist Naturist Fellowships
International for examples.) Religious conservatives see sex (and
by extension, nudity) as dirty and sinful, while nudists are so
comfortable with their bodies (and by extension, their sexuality)
that they don't need clothes. Thus, it's a safe bet that fundies
are probably scared to death of nudists, probably more so than
any Atheist or Pagan they'll ever encounter.
Of course, nudists are just one possibility. For example, while
promoting his new book "Republican Gomorrah: Inside the Movement
that Shattered the Party" on Democracy Now!, noted journalist Max
Blumenthal recently had this to say about Christian Right leader
James Dobson:
Dobson is a fascinating figure, because although he's leading what
is widely considered a religious movement, he's not a religious
leader. He has no theological credentials. He's not a preacher. What
is he? He's a child psychologist. And the way that he's won so
many followers is by, you know, doing radio shows about common,
mundane problems, like bedwetting, for example, or dealing with a
child that has, you know, issues with their sexuality, something
like that. . . . Where did Dobson's fortune come from? How did
he erect this empire? It came mainly from one book . . . Dare to
Discipline, which is essentially a manual for corporal punishment,
for beating your child. In this book, he says pain is a marvelous
purifier that a child should be-that pain goes a long way with a
child, that pain should be dispensed sufficiently enough to make a
child cry, but then the child will crumple to your breast, and you
should welcome the child with warm, open arms. This is a recipe for
sadomasochism . . . By creating a belt-wielding army of millions,
Dobson created the next generation of Republican shock troops,
who are more radical than before. And sadomasochism . . . is what
defines the essential character . . . of the Republican follower of
today. They're sadistic in that they want to lash out at deviants,
at people who are weaker than them, homosexuals, immigrants,
foreigners, socialists. At the same time, they're masochistic. They
are followers of a higher cause, of a strong leader, a magic helper
like Dobson or George W. Bush or the macho Jesus archetype that
they worship. And this is what defines this movement.
So, on the basis of Blumenthal's observations, I would pay a
lot of money to hear Dobson discuss issues such as domination,
submission and discipline with a professional dominatrix in
front of a pro-bondage-domination/sado-masochism (BDSM) audience.
Wouldn't you?
3. If you can't beat 'em, you can still make money off of 'em.
In reference to my previous point, there is an obvious BDSM theme in
conservative religious ideology in America. From Mel Gibson's snuff
film "The Passion of the Christ" to the almost daily Jesus S&M shows
at the Holy Land Experience, a Christian theme park in Florida,
there is clearly some deep-seated appreciation of pain (both giving
and receiving) among the biblical literalist crowd. Thus, you could
probably make a fortune by discretely selling Christian-themed
BDSM gear to fundies everywhere, especially in the Bible Belt.
I was thinking of giving my business a somewhat British theme by
calling it "Fish and Whips".
I guarantee you it will make a mint.
(Tim Mitchell is a professional writer who has contributed his
skills to many companies and non-profit organizations along the east
coast. Mr. Mitchell has used his diverse experience in both public
relations and media production to aid various groups in their efforts
to raise awareness of religious freedom and First Amendment issues.)
September 22-25, 2009
Dr. Ed Buckner, President of American Atheists, will be speaking
at several venues in the Washington, DC Metro area September 22-25,
Tuesday, September 22, 2009 Virginia Commonwealth University,
sponsored by the United Secular Alliance at VSU
Location: University Commons; Virginia Rooms B and C
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
"This is a Free Country, Not a Christian Nation."
Wednesday, September 23, 2009 American University, sponsored by AU
Rationalists and Atheists (AURA)
Location: School of International Service Building, Lounge
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Thursday, September 24, 2009 George Mason University, sponsored by
Rational Response Squad at GMU 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Location: Johnson Center, Meeting Room A
Friday, September 25, 2009
Sponsored by the Beltway Atheists,
Location: Private Residence, NW DC, followed by social event --
RSVP required
For more information on all speaking engagements, please contact
Shelley Mountjoy through shelley@.
AMERICAN ATHEISTS is a nationwide movement that defends civil rights
for Atheists, Freethinkers and other nonbelievers; works for the
total separation of church and state; and addresses issues of First
Amendment public policy.)
Florida school officials in prayer case could get jail time
Two Florida school administrators were due to appear in federal
court Thursday to face contempt charges for saying a prayer at a
school luncheon. Rep. Mike McIntyre is one of three members of the
Congressional Prayer Caucus backing the school officials. Frank Lay,
principal of Pace High School in Pace, Florida, and school athletic
director Robert Freeman are accused of violating a consent decree
banning employees of Santa Rosa County schools from endorsing

Teen birth rates highest in most religious states: Link may be
due to communities frowning on contraception, researchers say
U.S. states whose residents have more conservative religious beliefs
on average tend to have higher rates of teenagers giving birth, a
new study suggests. The relationship could be due to the fact that
communities with such religious beliefs (a literal interpretation of
the Bible, for instance) may frown upon contraception, researchers
say. If that same culture isn't successfully discouraging teen sex,
the pregnancy and birth rates rise.
Monkey Business: Creation Da Vinci Code star Paul Bettany is
overjoyed that he has the chance to play one of his personal heroes -
Charles Darwin. But, as Rob Driscoll discovers, he also had to face
some personal demons along the way .
It is one of the fastest growing blogs in the
Atheist/Freethought/Secular Humanist community, and you can get in
on the discussion!
Dave Silverman, Communications Director for American Atheists is in
the Blogosphere at It's filled with insight,
wit, hot news, controversial opinion -- and polite, thoughtful
commentary. So join the conversation! Sign up (it's free) by
visiting and click on the blog navigation
button, or go directly to .
* For membership information about American Atheists, send
mail to info@. Kindly include your name and postal
mailing address. Ask for a free membership info packet. You may
also visit and click on the "Membership"
navigation button.
* For a free catalogue of American Atheist Press books, videos and
other products, send mail to catalogue@. Kindly include
your name and postal mailing address, and request a copy of the
AAP catalogue. You may also shop directly at
--click on the "Shopping" navigation button.
* Current members in good standing of American Atheists may sign up
for our free E-mail Discussion Group list, aachat. We have over 150
participants who discuss topics such as Atheism, religion, First
Amendment issues, creationism and much, much more. Contact the
Moderator, Ed Gauci through egauci@.

Keyword News: [atheism]

Yahoo! Alerts
Friday, September 18, 2009 10:25 AM PDT

Author Slams Wall Street Journal for Bias
Christian News Wire Fri, 18 Sep 2009 09:41 AM PDT
MEDIA ADVISORY, Sept. 18 / Christian Newswire / -- This weekend The Wall Street Journal pitted atheism against God (Sept. 12-13th 2009, page W1). The full-page piece was adorned with huge graphics of Charles Darwin going head-to-head with God. Best-selling author Ray Comfort said, "The problem was that both perspectives were pro-atheistic evolution.

See more news stories that match my keyword



Posted: 16 Sep 2009 11:00 PM PDT
From professor Peter Manuelian here.

CFI Urges Attorney General to Rescind Faith-Based Rule

For Immediate Release

September 17, 2009
Contact: Nathan Bupp
Phone: (000) 000-0000 x 000

Center for Inquiry Joins Coalition Partners in Urging Attorney General to Rescind Faith-Based Rule Allowing Discrimination in Hiring

Washington, D.C. -- The Center for Inquiry (CFI) has today added its signature to a letter from a coalition of 57 other organizations committed to civil rights and religious freedom urging Attorney General Eric Holder to review and withdraw a rule connected to "faith-based" funding that groups believe pave the way for discriminatory hiring practices. 
The Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) in June of 2007 crafted a legal memo arguing that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) grants religious organizations leeway to discriminate, as they see fit, on religious grounds when hiring staff in taxpayer-funded programs.
The joint letter sent to Holder today presents a case against this interpretation of the RFRA. “CFI found it imperative to demonstrate our vigorous support for the withdrawal of this rule,” said Toni Van Pelt, Policy Director for the Office of Public Policy, the lobbying arm of the Center for Inquiry. “We are strongly opposed to religious discrimination in hiring and to the misuse of taxpayers’ funds for religious purposes. We hope that the Obama administration will see fit to reverse this assault perpetrated by the Bush administration on fundamental rights guaranteed under the first amendment."  
Calling the Bush administrations interpretation of RFRA “far-fetched,” the letter goes on to declare that “The OLC Memo’s interpretation that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 (“RFRA”) provides for a blanket override of statutory nondiscrimination provisions is erroneous and threatens core civil rights and religious freedom protections,” and is “not justified under applicable legal standards.”

The organizations argue that RFRA, passed in 1993, was “in essence?intended to provide robust protection of free exercise rights, restoring a standard of strict scrutiny to federal laws that substantially burden religion.”  But RFRA, they say, was not intended to gut federal civil rights laws because the government has a compelling interest in enforcing them.
The Center for Inquiry, along with many other groups that endorsed this letter, is a member of the Coalition Against Religious Discrimination. The Coalition argues that religious groups that accept public funds should be required to meet federal civil rights laws.
In addition to the Center for Inquiry, the following groups signed the letter: African American Ministers in Action; American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee; American Association of University Women; Asian American Justice Center; American Civil Liberties Union; American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO; American Humanist Association; American Jewish Committee; Americans for Religious Liberty; Anti-Defamation League; Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty; Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law; B’nai B’rith International; Center for Inquiry; Central Conference of American Rabbis; Disciples Justice Action Network; Equal Partners in Faith; Friends Committee on National Legislation; Interfaith Alliance; Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America; Hindu American Foundation; Human Rights Campaign; Japanese American Citizens League; Jewish Council for Public Affairs; Lambda Legal; Leadership Conference on Civil Rights; Legal Momentum; NAACP; NA’AMAT USA; National Center for Lesbian Rights; National Community Action Foundation; National Council of Jewish Women; National Council of La Raza; National Gay and Lesbian Task Force; National Education Association; National Employment Lawyers Association; National Ministries, American Baptist Churches USA; National Organization for Women; National Partnership for Women and Families; National Women’s Law Center; OMB Watch; People For the American Way; The Rabbinical Assembly; Rainbow PUSH Coalition; Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice; Secular Coalition for America; Sexuality Information and Education Council of the U.S.; Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund; Sikh Council on Religion and Education; Texas Faith Network; Texas Freedom Network; Union for Reform Judaism; Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations; United Church of Christ Justice and Witness Ministries; United Methodist Church, General Board of Church and Society; Women of Reform Judaism; Women’s Law Project.  
The Center for Inquiry (CFI) is a nonprofit, educational, advocacy, and scientific-research think tank based in Amherst, New committed to fostering a secular society based on science, reason, freedom of inquiry, and humanist values. The Center’s Web site is . CFI’s Office of Public Policy (OPP) is the Washington D.C .lobbying arm of the Center for Inquiry. The OPP’s mandate is to lobby Congress and the Administration on issues related to science and secularism. Their Web site can be found at

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Freethought Examiner: Is atheism the answer? Part 3

examiner logo

In continuing this series, I decided to let the dust settle a bit, as I took a break to work on other projects. To recap my previous essays on this subject, Part 1 of "Is atheism the answer?" made the case that atheism is a necessary aspect... Read more »

Freethought Examiner, D.M. Murdock

D.M. Murdock, also known as Acharya S, is an independent scholar of comparative religion and mythology from a "freethinking" perspective. She is the author of The Christ Conspiracy, Suns of God, Who was Jesus? and Christ in Egypt. Her work was featured in the movie Zeitgeist and Bill Maher's Religulous. Her main website is

Thursday, September 17, 2009

AANEWS for Thursday, September 17, 2009 -- Breaking, Darwin film "in bidding war" for U.S. distributor

#1277 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 09/17/09
A Service of AMERICAN ATHEISTS, a nationwide movement that defends
civil rights for non-believers; works for the total separation of
Church and State; and addresses issues of First Amendment public
"ATHEIST is really a thoroughly honest, unambiguous term, it admits
of no paltering and no evasion, and the need of the world, now as
ever, is for clear-cut issues and unambiguous speech."
-- Chapman Cohen

In This Issue...
* Breaking -- U.S. Distributor for Darwin Film?
* Worth Noting: Creation v. evolution, Muslim school daze
* Join American Atheists
* Get blogging at NoGodBlog
* Resources
* About this list...
Following weeks of rejection, the producers of a new film about
Charles Darwin now say that they are in the midst of a "bidding
war" and will have a distributor in the United States "by the end
of the week."
This latest news comes after statements by producer Jeremy Thomas,
who said that the ideas explored in his latest movie "Creation"
were "too controversial for religious America." That resulted
in potential distributors for the U.S. market expressing concern
about protests from fundamentalist Christians in a nation where
the majority of the population do not accept scientific findings
for the origin of life and the universe. Last week, Thomas told
reporters that the production firm "has no distributor in the
U.S." and added, "There's still a great belief that He made the
world in six days. We live in a country (United Kingdom) which is
no longer so religious. But in the U.S., outside of New York and
Los Angeles, religion rules."
Word of the distribution breakthrough is being reported on the NBC
Bay Area News site. The report, " 'Creation' May Cause Big Bang
in U.S.", adds "Church goers eye Darwin Bio-Pic with Concern."
The movie web site is , and the NBC story resides at
Muslims Press for School Holidays in New York City Muslims groups
here are pressing city officials to close public schools on two of
the faith's holiest days, just as schools do for major Jewish and
Christian holidays. But the groups have yet to persuade the man in
charge of New York City schools, Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Muslim
groups have asked the city to cancel classes on Eid Ul-Fitr, which
marks the end of Ramadan, and Eid Ul-Adha, which marks the end of
the annual pilgrimage to Mecca.
Why PeopleBelieve in Conspiracies:A skeptic's take on the public's
fascination with disinformation Aftera public lecture in 2005, I was
buttonholed byadocumentaryfilmmakerwith Michael Moore-ish ambitions
of exposingtheconspiracybehind9/11. "You mean the conspiracy by
Osama bin Ladenandal Qaedatoattack the United States?" I asked
rhetorically,knowingwhat wastocome. "That's what they want you
to believe," hesaid. "Whoisthey?" Iqueried. "The government," he
whispered, as if"they"mightbelistening at that very moment. "But
didn't Osama andsomemembersof alQaeda not only say they did it,"
I reminded him,"theygloatedaboutwhat a glorious triumph it was?"
Ohio town moves to preserve church facing closure A proposal to
protect a landmark Roman Catholic church has the potential to
turn into a fight over private property rights and church-state
separation. Council members and the mayor in this Cleveland suburb
along Lake Erie are moving to create a law that would stop the
Cleveland diocese or any future owner from tearing down the church
or gutting its ornate interior if the church closes as expected.
Have creationists tricked scientists yet again? Creationists
have made a habit out of tricking scientists and historians into
appearing in pro-creationism films. Such "culture warriors" view
their dishonest tactics as fully acceptable. They think their deceit
is working for the greater good, and scientists must increasingly
be aware of who they are being interviewed by. (For a relevant
discussion of dishonesty among evangelicals see the chapters on
conservative philanthropist Howard Ahmanson Jr. in Republican
Gomorrah, particularly the portion about Ahmanson's connection to
the Discovery Institute.)
Can Bill Foster's creation beliefs evolve into valid issue in
St. Petersburg mayoral race? "Dinosaurs are mentioned in Job,
so I don't have any problem believing that dinosaurs roamed the
earth,'' says St. Petersburg mayoral candidate Bill Foster. He
says he believes dinosaurs and humans lived at the same time,
though most scientists say there is a gap of at least 60 million
years between dinosaurs and mankind.
<>s complex loss of faith It is easier to make a film about
a man who allegedly "killed God" than one who studied barnacles
for eight year years. The new film about Charles Darwin, Creation,
does the former and although it has been criticised for historical
inaccuracy, it remains a beautiful, moving and eminently watchable
Here's a "stimulus package" for Atheists! We know that times are
difficult. Nonbelievers are like everyone else in the country
--you can get laid off or put on part-time, you can see important
investment and home value evaporate. And many people are cutting
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they can.
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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

9/22 Special St. Louis Event: "Cosmic Dice: Moral Life in a Random World" w/Jeff Schweitzer

Please join us for this special event!


Moral Life in a Random World

with Dr. Jeff Schweitzer
Marine biologist and former Clinton White House
Science Advisor

Tuesday, September 22
7:00 p.m.

The Ethical Society of St. Louis
9001 Clayton Road, St. Louis, MO
Admission: $5

Morality is our biological destiny.  We each have within us the awesome power to create our own meaning in life, our own sense of purpose, our own destiny.  We can move beyond the random hand of birth to pave our own road to a better life.  Whereas religion claims that happiness and fulfillment are found from submission to a higher power, Dr. Jeff Schweitzer will define these terms quite differently.  We will not appeal to religion or god.  Happiness and fulfillment are derived from the freedom to discover within ourselves our inherent good, and then to act on that better instinct, not because of any mandate from above or in obedience to the Bible, but because we can.

Dr. Jeff Schweitzer
is a scientist who has written extensively on topics of morality, religion, politics, and science – how they relate to each other and their importance in today’s polarized social environment.  He is the author of Vote to Save the Planet and the new book, Beyond Cosmic Dice: Moral Life in a Random World. 
Dr. Schweitzer began his scientific career in the fields of marine biology and neurophysiology earning his Ph.D. from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego.  In 1984, he joined the Center for Learning and Memory at the University of California, Irvine, and in 1991 he was appointed as the Chief Environmental Officer at the State Department’s Agency for International Development.
In 1992, he was made Assistant Director for International Affairs in the Office of Science and Technology Policy where he was responsible for providing scientific and technological policy advice and analysis for the President's Science Advisor and the Vice President.
During his tenure at the White House, Dr. Schweitzer realized that one critical element was missing from global efforts to bring science, conservation, and development together: there was no appropriate ethical foundation providing a compelling mandate.  Since his retirement from government, Dr. Schweitzer has devoted himself to the task of articulating and promoting such an ethic, a new way to ensure that humans can grow and prosper indefinitely in a healthy environment.
For more information, please visit or click here to listen to an interview between Dr. Schweitzer and D.J. Grothe on Point of Inquiry, the radio show and podcast of the Center for Inquiry.
Copies of Beyond Cosmic Dice: Moral Life in a Random World will be available for sale and signing at the event.

For more information, please call 000-000-0000 ext. 000, or email grassroots@.

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If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up for Center for Inquiry.

Keyword News: [atheism]

Yahoo! Alerts
Wednesday, September 16, 2009 2:21 AM PDT

This atheist blogger sold his soul on eBay Tue, 15 Sep 2009 22:42 PM PDT
Hemant Mehta's atheism-oriented blog works, finds P Rajendran, because of its non-confrontational tone.

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Keyword News: [atheism]

Yahoo! Alerts
Tuesday, September 15, 2009 6:21 PM PDT

Cardinal Pell to Debate Christopher Hitchens
Zenit News Agency Tue, 15 Sep 2009 17:46 PM PDT
SYDNEY, Australia, SEPT. 15, 2009 ( ).- The first ever Festival of Dangerous Ideas will pit Sydney's archbishop, Cardinal George Pell, against one of the most prominent exponents of modern atheism, British journalist Christopher Hitchens.

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A message from Dr. Terence Meaden to all members of ORIGINS: UNIVERSE, LIFE, HUMANKIND, AND DARWIN on Atheist Nexus!
First anniversary of founding the "Origins" group

John Dewey's 150th Birthday Celebration

John Dewey's 150th Birthday Celebration
An International Conference
on Dewey's Impact on America
and the World
The Center for Inquiry is celebrating the 150th birthday of philosopher and educator John Dewey with a three-day conference Oct. 22-24, 2009 at the CFI/Transnational headquarters in Amherst, N.Y.

Speakers include:
Larry Hickman, Director of the Center for Dewey Studies
Philip Kitcher, John Dewey Professor of Philosophy at Columbia University
Paul Kurtz, Professor Emeritus, SUNY Buffalo
and many more senior scholars on all aspects of the thought
and influence of John Dewey

Keynote Address begins at 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 22.

Conference runs from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday.

Walk-ins are welcome. Please join us anytime!

General Conference Fee:  $30
Students and Friends of CFI: $15
Two optional lunches: $30
TOTAL: $60 (General), $45 (Students & Friends of CFI)

Contact Cheryl Catania at 000-000-0000, ext. 000.
Registration Forms and Online Registration available at:
The Center for Inquiry/Transnational is located at
1310 Sweet Home Road, Amherst, N.Y.
across the street from University at Buffalo North Campus
For more information contact John Shook at jshook@ or 000-000-0000.

Visit the web address below to tell your friends about this.
If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up for Center for Inquiry.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Rockford Higher Criticism Examiner: D.M. Murdock's "Christ Conspiracy" no grounds for irreconcilable differences

examiner logo

D. M. Murdock (Acharya S), Freethought Examiner, writes profusely on the subject of mythicism, the theory that no historical Jesus ever existed, and I have read nearly all her published books and e-books, as well as the majority of her articles on... Read more »

Rockford Higher Criticism Examiner, John F. Felix

John F. Felix is a freethinking student of philosophy, science, literature, ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, and a family man just passed the 25-year mark, loving Chicago and Rockford, IL, lifeways. He is a published poet, and performs freelance research for authors and scholars (expertise: creating new versions of ancient e-texts). Send John a message.

Monday, September 14, 2009

AANEWS for Monday, September 14, 2009

#1276 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 09/14/09
A Service of AMERICAN ATHEISTS, a nationwide movement that defends
civil rights for non-believers; works for the total separation of
Church and State; and addresses issues of First Amendment public
"ATHEIST is really a thoroughly honest, unambiguous term, it admits
of no paltering and no evasion, and the need of the world, now as
ever, is for clear-cut issues and unambiguous speech."
-- Chapman Cohen
In This Issue...
* A public disgrace! Darwin film unable to find US distributor.
* Worth Noting --Karen Armstrong on God, more...
* Join American Atheists
* Dave's blog
* Resources
* About this list...
Producers of a new film about the life of naturalist Charles Darwin
have been unable to secure a company to handle distribution in the
United States.
According to Oscar-winning director Jeremy Thomas , the theme of
the forthcoming movie "Creation" is deemed "too controversial for
religious America"
The production opened the recent Toronto Film Festival and won rave
reviews. Starring Paul Bettany and Martha West, it traces the agony
and achievements of a young Charles Darwin in his "struggle between
faith and reason" as he penned his landmark work on evolutionary
biology, "On the Origin of Species." The Daily Telegraph newspaper
notes, "it has been sold in almost every territory around the
world, from Australia to Scandinavia ... However, US distributors
have passed on a film that will prove hugely divisive in a country
where according to a Gallup poll conducted in February, only 39%
of Americans believe in the theory of evolution."
In the course of the movie, Darwin agonizes over the sudden death
of his 10-year-old daughter and his loss of faith in God.
Production of the film has been closely followed by Christian
bloggers and web sites, and only recently was mentioned in the
mainstream media. Its release "is virtually certain to provoke
massive controversy" and spark new debate over evolution, science
and religion according to one Telegraph reviewer. The producers
have even opened a special resource service aimed at trying to
answer objections from Christian organizations who may find the
film blasphemous and objectionable.
One Christian web site,, is characterizing Charles
Darwin as "a racist, a bigot and a 1800s naturalist whose legacy
is mass murder." It also described evolutionary theory as
"half-baked," and stridently claimed that Darwin's work resulted
in the horrific deeds of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi henchmen, along
with "atrocities, crimes against humanity, cloning and genetic
engineering." The Daily Mail reports that producer Jeremy Thomas
is astounded that such opinions find a wide and credulous audience
fully 150 years after the publication of Darwin's seminal work,
and that religious sensibilities constitute a near-insurmountable
barrier to finding an American distributor for this film.
"The film has no distributor in America," Mr. Thomas opined.
"It has got a deal everywhere else in the world but in the U.S.,
and it's because of what the film is about. People have been
saying this is the best film they've seen all year, yes nobody in
the U.S. has picked it up."
And more: "It is unbelievable to us that this is still a real hot
potato in America," says Thomas. "There's still a great belief
that He made the world in six days. We live in a country (the
United Kingdom) which is no longer so religious. But in the U.S.,
outside of New York and Los Angeles, religion rules."
Thomas is only partially correct, though in his assessment of
the American religious landscape. Religious fundamentalists are
not a majority of the population; and the ranks of us who describe
ourselves as having "no religion" -- a figure that includes Atheists,
Freethinkers, Humanists and other "seculars" -- has been steadily
growing. It is the fundamentalist Christians, though, who are among
the most politically organized in the country, as they saunter forth
to carry out "the Great Commission" and forge a "godly society."
The fact that religious prejudice can intimidate Hollywood
distributors and studios in so blatant a fashion is testament to
a number of disturbing trends.
One is the regrettable complacence of the scientific and
educational communities who, until recently, assumed that
creationist fantasies were a relic of the 1920s and small pockets
of backwoods provincialism. With a public school system and the
gradual enlightenment of the population, surely fundamentalist
ideas concerning the origins of life would dissipate. After all,
mainstream Protestant bodies and even the Roman Catholic Church
announced that there was no conflict between modern scientific
findings (like evolutionary processes, "deep time" and insights
into the chemistry of life itself) and their brands of religion.
Why worry?
The second is a deadly combination of ideological revanchism and
sheer determination by fundamentalists to proselytize and organize.
Creationism is alive and well, from the lavish Creationist Museum in
Petersburg, Kentucky to dozens of advocacy and legal groups seeking
to introduce this religious doctrine into the public schools under
the veneer of providing students with "alternative" explanations"
of how life and the universe began. We ignore these ideological
initiatives at our peril. America remains a sophisticated
technological society with a first-rate scientific establishment
(although some see erosion of this position); but socially and
culturally, we fail to live up to those lofty standards.
The fact that a film about Charles Darwin cannot be brought --
at least for now -- to audiences in America is evidence of the
religiously-driven intellectual bankruptcy plaguing our land. It is
also a call for all enlightened Americans to, well, get our hands a
bit dirty in the battle over teaching creationism, and the rest of
"good science," in schools and defending Darwin in the public square.
When, during the opening of the Creationist museum in Kentucky a
year ago Freethought activist Edwin Kagin organized the Rally for
Reason," he received widespread support. Some potential allies,
though,decided to sit out this battle, surmising that a public
demonstration at the gates of the newly-minted museum, would simply
draw unwarranted attention to the event. In other words, advocates
of "good science" and fact-based public policy should, presumably,
ignore the vocal and politically savvy movement of creationists and
"Intelligent Design" partisans in hopes that they will -- what? --
go away?
That is a gamble we as a culture simply cannot take.
We hope that "Creation" finds a willing and enthusiastic distribution
company in the United States, and that the public supports this
film at the box office. Failing this, we further tarnish our
international image and continue to jeopardize the education of
further generations.
-- Conrad Goeringer,
Editor, AANEWS
Links used in this report:
Charles Darwin film 'too controversial for religious America' A
British film about Charles Darwin has failed to find a US distributor
because his theory of evolution is too controversial for American
audiences, according to its producer.
Web site for The Rally for Reason
Wikipedia entry on creationism
Web site for "Creation," the film.
Muslim woman presses French panel for burqa ban Her voice trembling
with emotion, the leader of an advocacy group for Muslim women and
girls urged a French parliamentary panel on Wednesday to press for
laws that would ban the wearing of Islamic body- and face-covering
veils. Sihem Habchi appeared as the first witness before a newly
created parliamentary group studying Islamic clothing such as burqas
and niqabs - part of France's effort to integrate its growing Muslim
population while preserving its heritage and secular roots.
Godless work: Edmonton atheists to pitch in to clean Alberta highways
In a press release today, the Society of Edmonton Atheists announced
its plan to participate in the Government of Alberta's "Caring for
Alberta Highways" program. On Sunday, this merry band of heathens
will be cleaning the stretch of Highway 2 North near the city's
international airport. The godless work will begin in the morning
and last until the organization's 3.2 kilometre stretch of adopted
road is free from litter.
Americans Don't Believe in Church/State Separation Americans may
believe in the importance of religious liberty, but for some reason
they don't also believe in separating church from state. These views
aren't compatible unless one thinks that a religious government
would protect the rights of religious minorities. More likely I
think, though, is that most Americans just don't think very deeply
or seriously about the positions they adopt.
Elizabeth mosque organizes national prayer gathering for Muslims in
Washington, D.C. A mosque in Elizabeth, Dar-ul-Islam, is spearheading
a national prayer gathering next month in Washington, D.C., that
organizers are billing as the first event of its kind -- organized
prayer for tens of thousands of Muslims outside the U.S. Capitol
building. The event will not include political speeches or placards,
just prayer, said Hassen Abdellah, president of Dar-ul-Islam and
a main organizer of the event, which is scheduled for Sept. 25.
The Architect of 9/11 In 1994, Mohamed Atta traveled to Istanbul
with a student group and continued onward to visit Dittmar Machule
in northern Syria, where the professor was doing fieldwork on
a Bronze Age village under excavation. But Atta found himself
more interested in the traditional urbanism of the nearest major
city, Aleppo. Atta was hardly the first student of Middle Eastern
architecture drawn to Aleppo. Along with Fez in Morocco and Sana'a
in Yemen, Aleppo is considered among the best-preserved cities in
the Arab world. When he decided to write his thesis on the city,
he returned later that year to conduct more extensive research.
Out, Out, Damned Atheists: Karen Armstrong weighs in on God. The
latest salvo in the war between the atheists and the believers
comes from the doyenne of religious intellectual history, Karen
Armstrong. Her tone is one of high-minded irritation. Her argument
is compelling. To oversimplify: "faith" and "reason" are not like
political parties. You don't join one after having been convinced
via argument of its validity.
A Mind, Even if It's Just a Couple of Pounds of Meat, Is a Terrible
Thing to Waste (From Discovery Institute) - The world is awash
with charities. Most are quite worthwhile. For pennies a day, you
can send a child in an impoverished country to school, and kindle
a lifetime of learning. But there remain many unmet needs. What
about people living in ideological poverty? We've all heard the
stories. Materialist philosophers of the mind who deny that the mind
exists. Full professors of evolutionary biology who misunderstand
demonstrations of the existence of God that are routinely mastered
by teenagers in Introductory Philosophy courses. Atheist authors
of letters to Christian nations who excoriate religion and ignore
the unparalleled atrocities of atheism. Unrepentant Trotskyites
who scold Christians for adherence to a messianic ideology.
Faith-Based Double Standards In 2001, President Bush issued his
first executive order as president. He created a program to encourage
religious organizations to receive taxpayer funds to perform social
services. The Office of Faith-Based Initiatives, as it was called,
infuriated many. Civil libertarians said it violated the separation
of church and state, liberals suggested that the office was paying
off political supporters, and even Christian conservatives worried
about the tentacles of government regulation.
Charles Darwin film 'too controversial for religious America' A
British film about Charles Darwin has failed to find a US distributor
because his theory of evolution is too controversial for American
audiences, according to its producer.

Religion in America in Decline Religion in America is on the decline
and has been dropping since the turn of the century. That's not an
atheist's happy dream. It's the conclusion of researchers at Faith
Communities Today (FACT), the multi-year study of American religion
quarterbacked by the Hartford Seminary's Hartford Institute for
Religion Research.
How Atheists View Religion The struggle between religion and reason
for the hearts and minds of the people goes back at least as far
as ancient Greece and has been played out time and again through
the ages. Throughout the 21st century, modern civilization
will confront a wide range of intellectual, moral, and social
challenges. One of the most difficult issues to settle will be the
proper role of religion in the public sphere.
Here's a "stimulus package" for Atheists! We know that times are
difficult. Nonbelievers are like everyone else in the country
--you can get laid off or put on part-time, you can see important
investment and home value evaporate. And many people are cutting
costs, postponing vacations, cutting back whenever and wherever
they can.
So, American Atheists is making it easier than ever before to join
up in the fight for Reason, separation of church and state, and
the effort to give America's unbelieving community "a place at the
table" in the discussion over First Amendment public policy. You
can join American Atheists for only $20 per year; you receive the
American Atheist Magazine, a leading journal for news and opinion;
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