Saturday, August 15, 2009

Christ Conspiracy Islam in Action

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Your one-stop shopping for videos exposing Islam...

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Islam in Action*
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[Edfu] Liverpool Conference

Ralph Ellis writes:

As an aside, I am going to be talking about these subjects at the Beyond
Knowledge conference in Liverpool in September. All welcome.


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Keyword News: [atheism]

Yahoo! Alerts
Friday, August 14, 2009 10:21 PM PDT

Awareness of Atheism
The Lakeland Ledger Fri, 14 Aug 2009 21:55 PM PDT
By JAWEED KALEEM MCCLATCHY NEWSPAPERS There's nothing unusual about churches advertising Sunday services, but some atheists are turning that idea on its head: Why not promote the belief that there is no God?

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Friday, August 14, 2009

[JesusMysteries] Philo on Jesus?

How do scholars address the fact that Philo makes no mention of any Jesus in his period at all, even though he had a relative married into the family of Herod at the time?

David S

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Christ Conspiracy God needs a Creationism exhibit in Tulsa!

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My new Examiner article - please read, comment there and pass around!

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God needs a Creationism exhibit in Tulsa!*
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[TC-Alternate-list] Omissions in the UBS text shown to be Haplography errors

We have formatted Nazaroo's posts on CF which illustrate that about 1/3 of the omissions in the Gospels chosen by the UBS editors are in fact just haplography gaffs.
While this proves that Aleph and B had a common ancestor, it also shows conclusively that their combined testimony is far too often not the original text at all.

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009



Posted: 11 Aug 2009 07:49 PM PDT
Believe it or not, sometimes the media gets something about ancient texts right. My friend Mark Goodacre (New Testament professor at Duke) posted this note (with video) about a good (!) BBC treatment of the number 666/616 in the book of Revelation. Thanks to Mark for this one!
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Freethought Examiner: Iranian women imprisoned for converting to Christianity

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Like that of non-believers during the times when the Christian Church reigned supreme, the persecution of non-Muslims in the Islamic world has been well known for centuries, but it appears to be reaching a peak with the emboldened Islamists ... Read more »

Freethought Examiner, D.M. Murdock

D.M. Murdock, also known as Acharya S, is an independent scholar of comparative religion and mythology from a "freethinking" perspective. She is the author of The Christ Conspiracy, Suns of God, Who was Jesus? and Christ in Egypt. Her work was featured in the movie Zeitgeist and Bill Maher's Religulous. Her main website is

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

[TC-Alternate-list] Vaticanus 1968 Replica NT and Numbers in Its Lower Right Margins

Over at the textualcriticism group a link was posted which provided a huge download of the 1968 color facsimile of the NT portion of Codex Vaticanus:
The file is huge, but the space is well-used; these images are very nice. I have no idea how the 1968 pictures of Vaticanus can be legally distributed online, though.
Anyway, after sorting through the images, I noticed some unusual numerals that occur in the lower right-hand corners of pages 1245, 1265, 1305, 1325, 1345, 1365, 1383 (/not/ 1385), 1405, and 1425. (And the numerals keep on going, every 20 pages.)
It looks like someone wanted to place a numeral in the lower right hand corner of the page, on every 20th page. The numeral is repeated: first it is expressed in Greek letters, and then it is expressed in Roman numerals, except the Roman numerals are more like tallies than what we think of nowadays as proper Roman numerals; instead of using "L" to represent "50" there are 5 X's.
On p. 1245, 64 is expressed by Xi-Delta and by XXXXXXIIII, with the "IIII" written as a wavy scribble. (The page ends at Mt. 9:28.)
On p. 1265, 65 is expressed by Xi-Epsilon and by XXXXXX with what looks like the English letter "b" but which must be intended to represent "5." (Page ends at Mt. 22:36.)
On p. 1285, 66 is expressed by Xi-Stau and by XXXXXX with what looks like "//" (but which should be understood, it would seem, as blurred symbols for 5 and 1). (Page ends at Mk. 6:26)
On p. 1305, 67 is expressed by Xi-Zeta and by XXXXXX with what looks like "///" (but which should be understood, it would seem, as the symbols for 5, 1, and 1, totaling 7). (Page ends at Luke 1:55.)
On p. 1325, 68 is expressed by Xi-Eta and by XXXXXX with a scribble which must be VIII. (Page ends at Luke 11:11.)
On p. 1345, 69 is expressed by Xi-Theta and by XXXXXX with a scribble which looks like I and IIIII with the last four I's overdotted (which was supposed to mean "repeat this," I figure). (Page ends at Luke 23:5)
On p. 1365, 70 is expressed by Omicron and by XXXXXXX. (Page ends at John 10:27.)
On p. 1383, 71 is expressed by Omicron-Alpha and by XXXXXXXI. (The alpha looks like a cursive "X" at first because the arc on the left is faint, and the character has a tail.) (Page ends at Acts 2:14)
On p. 1405, 72 is expressed by Omicron-Beta and by XXXXXXXII. (Page ends at Acts 16:12.)
On p. 1425, 73 is expressed by Omicron-Gamma and by XXXXXXXIII. (Page ends at the end of Acts.)
I wonder if it was ever typical to write Roman numerals in this way, without using "L" for 50, and using "I" so much. It looks unusual to me. If it was indeed unusual, and other MSS have this sort of numeral-representat ion, this could be a clue about where the codex might have been at the time when numerals were written in this way.
(1245, divided by 20, is 62.25. So it would seem that on every 20th page, from the very beginning of the codex, these numbers were written down, but some counting-mistakes occurred. Or maybe the mistake was in the Arabic numerals.)
(I asked the same question at textualcriticism, but no one has replied yet; I may try again since I posted in the middle of a flurry-filled discussion about something not nearly as interesting as this is.)
Yours in Christ,
James Snapp, Jr.
P.S. In the color images of Vaticanus, you can clearly see umlauts in the first /cursive/ page in Hebrews.

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[TC-Alternate-list] Sensational Theories and Stephan Huller

It looks like R.J. has been reading "The Real Messiah," by Stephan Huller, an author whose work, unfortunately, seems to be of a genre somewhere between The Bible Code and The Da Vinci Code. As far as I can tell, Huller's Big Idea is that Agrippa was the real Messiah. And, as far as I can tell, he seems to think that Jesus saw Messiahship as a sort of dynastic position and wanted Mark to be the next Messiah-office-holder. Robert Price sums up Huller's ideas at
(Over at the textualcriticism group, Huller seems to be experimenting with a defense of the idea that the Gospel of John is very late -- late enough to reflect the author's awareness of the Marcionites. To do that, he has to say that P52 is something other that what it is; i.e., instead of being a part of the Gospel of Mark, that it is part of a some sort of Super-Gospel text resembling the Diatessaron in its scope.)
Yours in Christ,
James Snapp, Jr.

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Keyword News: [atheism]

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 2:21 AM PDT

Must science declare a holy war on religion?
Los Angeles Times Tue, 11 Aug 2009 00:17 AM PDT
The so-called New Atheists are attacking the mantra of science and faith being compatible. Others in the science community question the value of confrontation. This fall, evolutionary biologist and bestselling author Richard Dawkins -- most recently famous for his public exhortation to atheism, "The God Delusion" -- returns to writing about science. Dawkins' new book, "The Greatest Show on ...

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Monday, August 10, 2009

[TC-Alternate-list] Matthew 13:36-43 - any MSS omit?

Is anyone aware of any variants in Matthew 13:36-43? Are there any MSS perhaps that omit it? It seems unlikely to be original considering that the seed is not interpreted as the word as in the parable of the sower, and that it is too overtly predestinarian to be original, perhaps even too overtly predestinarian to pre-date Augustine. It is more natural to understand the parable of the sower as related to corruption of the scriptures as Dionysius of Corinth did (see Eusebius Ecclesiastical History Book 4 chapter 23). Seems likely that the "the Lord's exposition of the parable" which Augustine cites against Faustus when Faustus interprets the parable like Dionysius as premising corruption in Scripture, was forged between the time of Dionysius and Augustine. I know it is the case whether any MSS have been found that omit it or not, but it would be nice to have a MSS that omits it to point to.


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[JesusMysteries] Talmud Shabbat 116A

The story contained in page 116a-b of Tractate Shabbat is very interesting. The philosopher min (heretic) is not identified as a Christian in his meeting with Rabban Gamaliel in approximately 100 CE, and the philosopher-judge tells Rabban Gamaliel that since the destruction of the Temple the Torah law has been abrogated. As some sort of Christian, one would imagine a direct reference to Jesus/Yeshu as the reason for the abrogation (according to Paulist Christianity) or at least the coming and death of the Messiah (according to gospels).Yet this is not mentioned. All that is mentioned is a less that direct reference by Rabban Gamaliel in his debate with the philosopher to Matthew 5:17, which obviously already existed in 100 CE. I supposed this is a veiled argument against Paulist doctrine. Yet the person doing the abolishing is never mentioned by the philosopher.Just an interesting piece of documentation. We see no reference to Jesus himself or to Paul or
to anyone else who the philosopher heretic may have been following.
David S

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Christ Conspiracy YouTube - Rejecting Islam ( Produced by 3 Apostate Ladies of Islam )

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Here are some ex-Muslims telling it like it is.

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YouTube - Rejecting Islam ( Produced by 3 Apostate Ladies of Islam )*
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CFI Indiana Schedule--August 10-16, 2009

August 10-16. 2009

Join us for CFI Indiana activities and other interesting
events around Indianapolis!
(To view or print these events in a calendar format, please visit our website.)

CFI Indiana Relay For Life Team raised $1,850 for the American Cancer Society. Thanks goes to Michele Shaw, Mike LaFavers, Tyson Wheeler, Reba Wooden, Tiffany Harazinova, Todd Barton, Ryan Edmundson, and John Kiel.

Special Events – Mark your Calendar!

September 11-13—CFI Indiana Institute: Religion under Examination: A Closer Look by Experts. Robert Price, Ibn Warraq, and John Shook are confirmed speakers. Price is a Bibical scholar, Warraq is a Koranic scholar, and Shook specializes in naturalism. Some programs will be at CFI Indiana and some at the IUPUI Campus Center. For information and to register for the conference, go to:
Monday, September 21—Dr. Jeffrey Schweitzer, author of Beyond Cosmic Dice: Moral Life in a Random World. 7:00 pm, CFI Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis.
Sunday, October 25—Tom Flynn, "Robert Ingersoll: The Most Remarkable American Most People Never Heard Of," 4:00 p.m., Hamilton 16 Theatre.
Sunday, November 8Spirit and Place Event, "Inspiring Places--Magnificent Victory Monument for Rational Outlook on Life--Das Deutsches House/Athenaeum," 2:00 pm, Athenaeum.

Indiana Atheist Bus Campaign—Go to to keep up with the new developments for this campaign.

Regular Events

Moms and More—Wednesday, August 12, 10-11:30 am, Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk Suite A, Indianapolis. This is a program of Mommymoon Network. All moms are welcome and children may come along. For more information, go to: or contact Megan Schlagenhauf at meg.schlagenhauf@.
Scientific Examination of Medicine and Mental Health—Thursday, August 13, 6:30 pm, Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis. The topic will be: Medical/Anatomical Terminology. Craig Gosling is leading the discussion.
CFI Indiana Annual Picnic—Sunday, August 16, noon, Reddick Shelter, Fort Harrison State Park, East 59th Street and Post Road. Anyone is welcome to attend. Bring meat to grill and a dish to share.
Earth Scouts—Sunday, August 16, noon, Reddick Shelter, Fort Harrison State Park, East 59th Street and Post Road. Bring meat to grill and a dish to share. There will be special children/s activities and Earth Scout activities at the picnic. Call Joe Oliver at 317-370-7775 for more information.

Weekly Events

Coffee and Conversation—every Sunday(except August 16), 10:00 am to noon at Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis, IN. Unstructured conversation and socializing.
Conversations in Spanishevery Sunday(except August 16), 10:00 am to noon at Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis, IN. This is for people who want to learn Spanish or practice their Spanish.

Secular Family Network Playgroup—every Monday, 10:00 am to noon at Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis. A good time for the kids to get acquainted, play, and socialize while their moms/dads get together for good conversation and support. Anyone is welcome. If you have questions, contact Andi Pierce at apierce@. Call Andi at 317-852-4188 to check for possible location change.
English as a New Language—every Saturday, 10:00-11:30 a.m. at Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis, IN. This is for anyone from any language background who wants to learn and improve their English speaking skills. No charge.

Freethought Discussion Groups in Other Indiana Cities

CFI Indiana Hamilton County Meetup—meets May 3, 17, & 31 at 10:00 am at the 96th Street Panera, just east of I-69 in front of Wal-Mart. For more information call Ryan at 317-446-8680 or go to
Bloomington Atheist Happy Hour—first Friday of every month (May 1), 5:30-6:30 pm at The Dunn Inn, 208 South Dunn (between 3rd and 4th), Bloomington, IN.

Freethinkers of Montgomery County (Sponsored by CFI Indiana)—Meet every first and third Thursday, 6:30 to 8:00 pm, Crawfordsville Public Library Basement. To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:
Lafayette Freethinkers (Sponsored by CFI Indiana)—Meet every second Thursday of the month from 6:30-8:00 pm at the UU Church, Room 106 in West Lafayette and on the fourth Thursday at the PRIDE Community Center in Lafayette. Go to for more information.
Freethought Muncie-New Castle (A CFI Indiana Discussion Group)—For information about this group and also the Ball State student group email Robert Pinger at pinger@.
Freethought Fort Wayne (A CFI Indiana Discussion Group)—For information, go to freethoughtfw@ or Check out the latest Enlightenment Show which is produced by local Fort Wayne Freethinkers. Contact Andy Diekroger at freethoughtfw@ for more information.
Richmond Area Free Thinkers Society—Come see August Berkshire at his brief tour stop in Richmond. Fifth Street Bagel, June 16th (Tuesday) from 11:45 am to 12:45 pm. Contact: Aaron Hill at contact@ for more information.
Michiana Skeptics—contact Elizabeth Brown, indimenticabile1@ or go to
CUFREE (Champaign Urbana FreethinkersPhil_cufree@.

Louisville Atheist Meetup

Freethought Groups on Indiana College Campuses

IUPUI FreethinkersEmail free@ for information and meeting times.
IU/ For more information, email secular@.
Earlham College, RichmondFor more information, email free@.
Ball State UniversityFor information email Robert Pinger at pinger@.
Purdue University/Lafayette

For more information about these programs and more and to sign up to receive a full CFI Indiana newsletter, email indy@ or call 317-423-0710.

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Sunday, August 09, 2009

Freethought Examiner: West's conflict with Islam coming to a head?

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Muslim woman in Great Britain Recent incidents in France, Germany, the U.S. and Great Britain serve to highlight an ongoing problem with the rampantly open-ended immigration of the past few decades into these countries, especially from Islamic ... Read more »

Freethought Examiner, D.M. Murdock

D.M. Murdock, also known as Acharya S, is an independent scholar of comparative religion and mythology from a "freethinking" perspective. She is the author of The Christ Conspiracy, Suns of God, Who was Jesus? and Christ in Egypt. Her work was featured in the movie Zeitgeist and Bill Maher's Religulous. Her main website is