Saturday, September 19, 2009

"Beyond Cosmic Dice" this Monday PLUS CFI Indiana Weekly Schedule

Special event this Monday!
Moral Life in a Random World

with Dr. Jeff Schweitzer
Marine biologist and former Clinton White House
Science Advisor

Monday, September 21, 7:00 p.m.

CFI Indiana

350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis
Admission: $5.00 donation appreciated

Morality is our biological destiny.  We each have within us the awesome power to create our own meaning in life, our own sense of purpose, our own destiny.  We can move beyond the random hand of birth to pave our own road to a better life.  Whereas religion claims that happiness and fulfillment are found from submission to a higher power, Dr. Jeff Schweitzer will define these terms quite differently.  We will not appeal to religion or god.  Happiness and fulfillment are derived from the freedom to discover within ourselves our inherent good, and then to act on that better instinct, not because of any mandate from above or in obedience to the Bible, but because we can.

Dr. Jeff Schweitzer
is a scientist who has written extensively on topics of morality, religion, politics, and science – how they relate to each other and their importance in today’s polarized social environment.  He is the author of Vote to Save the Planet and the new book, Beyond Cosmic Dice: Moral Life in a Random World. 
Dr. Schweitzer began his scientific career in the fields of marine biology and neurophysiology earning his Ph.D. from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego.  In 1984, he joined the Center for Learning and Memory at the University of California, Irvine, and in 1991 he was appointed as the Chief Environmental Officer at the State Department’s Agency for International Development.
In 1992, he was made Assistant Director for International Affairs in the Office of Science and Technology Policy where he was responsible for providing scientific and technological policy advice and analysis for the President's Science Advisor and the Vice President.
During his tenure at the White House, Dr. Schweitzer realized that one critical element was missing from global efforts to bring science, conservation, and development together: there was no appropriate ethical foundation providing a compelling mandate.  Since his retirement from government, Dr. Schweitzer has devoted himself to the task of articulating and promoting such an ethic, a new way to ensure that humans can grow and prosper indefinitely in a healthy environment.
For more information, please visit or click here to listen to an interview between Dr. Schweitzer and D.J. Grothe on Point of Inquiry, the radio show and podcast of the Center for Inquiry.
Copies of Beyond Cosmic Dice: Moral Life in a Random World will be available for sale and signing at the event.  E-mail indy@ to reserve a copy.
There will be food for an evening meal.  $5.00 expected donation to cover the cost of the food.

PROGRAM SCHEDULE — September 21-27
Book Signing—Dr. Jeff Schweitzer, author, Beyond Cosmic Dice: Moral Life in a Random World (Book on Sale at CFI Indiana for $20), Monday, September 21, 7:00 pm, CFI Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis. 
Indy Atheists—Dr. Jeff Schweitzer, author, Beyond Cosmic Dice: Moral Life in a Random World-(Book on Sale at CFI Indiana for $20), Monday, September 21, 7:00 pm, CFI Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis. 
Humanist Speakers—Tuesday, September 22, 7:00 pm, Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk,  Suite A, Indianapolis.  Practice your public speaking skills in a relaxed environment.   Contact Mike Middleton at mmiddleton.1@ to learn more about this group.  Anyone is welcome to attend.
CFI Indiana Movie Night—Friday, September 25, 6:00 pm. Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis. Movie: Revolutionary Road
CFI Kids (formerly Earth Scouts)—Sunday, September 27, Fort Harrison State Park, East 59th Street and Post Road, 10:00 am. They will be participating in the Hoosier Outdoor Experience.  Information at:  Please check with Joe Oliver either by e-mail, joe.jr317@ or by phone,000-000-0000 for a rally point. 
Scientific Examination of Religion—Sunday, September 27, 6:00 pm, Center for Inquiry Indiana, 350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis.  Topic: Islam, Science and the Qu'ran: Examining the Islamic contributions to science and claims that the Qu'ran foretells modern discoveries.  Sean O’Brien is the discussion leader and coordinator of this group

For more information about this and other events, please visit
, email indy@, or call 000-000-0000.  To become a Friend of the Center, visit our membership page.

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