Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Making Humanism Relevant to African Americans

"Making Humanism Relevant to African Americans"

Saturday, July 10, 6:00-11:00 pm

Center for Inquiry Indiana
350 Canal Walk, Suite A
Indianapolis, IN 46202

Featuring Special Guest Speakers:

Indiana African American Humanism Speakers

Jamila Bey, Journalist and Comedian — "African American Humanists Coming Out"
Gilbert Holmes, Executive Director, ACLU of Indiana — "Vignettes from My Life—A Journey of Faith, Doubt, and Questioning"
Desmond Wood, CFI Indiana Friend of the Center — "Transformations"
Rod Ross — Remarks by CFI Indiana Friends of the Center
Plus, a performance by well known Indianapolis musicians, The Steve Weakley Group

Join us for a Meet & Greet Pre-Event Lunch/Dinner: 3:00 pm

The Kountry Kitchen Soul Food Place
1831 North College Avenue, Indianapolis
Reservations required by July 1.
Email for reservations.
(Everyone orders from the menu and pays for their own meal)

Everyone is invited to attend!

Register online or mail in registration.

$25 suggested donation or whatever you can afford.
Admission at the door will be on space-available basis.
The date of this event coincides with the 40th Annual Indiana Black Expo in Indianapolis.

Speaker Bios:

Jamila Bey (small)Jamila Bey is a journalist and comedian living in Washington, DC. Born to a Southern Baptist convert to Catholicism and a non-practicing Black Muslim, Jamila has formally renounced her "confused" belief in the supernatural and is now an out and proud Atheist. Jamila began her career covering government in her hometown of Pittsburgh and moved to DC where she was an editor for four years at National Public Radio. She's been a writer for hire for the better part of the last decade and is devoted to spreading the gospel of Logic, Reason, and Science to all those who may hear. Check out her article, "Black Women Who Use the "A" Word."
Gilbert HolmesGilbert Holmes is a long time board member and now Executive Director of ACLU of Indiana. He is a graduate of Southern Illinois University, University of Southern California, and the Indiana University School of Law. He has had a distinguished career in both government and the private sector including Commissioner, Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) and President/CEO of Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation (IndyGo).
Desmond WoodDesmond Wood was baptized as a Lutheran but drifted away from the church as he matured. He converted to Islam in 2000. During this time, he traveled to the Middle East and studied Arabic. In 2005, he began to hang out and study with an esoteric group in Indianapolois. After a year with them, he began to study diverse subjects on his own and discovered Center for Inquiry Indiana. He is a serious student of philosophy and religion as well as studying the art of classical music and jazz on the classical guitar.
Rod RossRod Ross is an accomplished painter and sculptor. He has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Visual Communication from Indiana University/Herron School of Art & Design. He has been a graphic design instructor, art teacher at a private school, faculty member of Clark College and Ivy Tech State College, and co-owner of a graphic design studio. Presently he is a teacher in Indianapolis Public Schools. He has been a member of CFI Indiana for several years. His website is

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